Hi, @frederick-braun – I JUST noticed my notes are gone!! I posted them this weekend.
Here they are again!
Your title can’t be Hero Story – you need an actual title
You want to look at the Overview Map for how to do your Hero Story AND watch my video on Hero Story Help (info is in the map as well)
The Hero Story is a JOURNEY – from who you WERE to WHAT HAPPENED to change that to WHO YOU ARE NOW. This draft is a story about your overcoming an EXTERNAL obstacle, yes, but not about how it might have changed you.
I suggest you think of 3 incidents in your life that changed you as a person, using the above guideline in #3. Then write them into a Hero Story using the Overview Map to guide you.
Please don’t get discouraged – some people have to do several drafts to achieve their goal, but it’s worth ! Please tag me in your FINAL draft and I will review it immediately!
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