Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Wins of the Week WINS OF THE WEEK – 09/19/2017

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    • #4136

      HECProgram Admin

        Halle Eavelyn (YUP, I work the program, too!) has her VA going through the 4 Questions and scheduling calls for her coaching practice and it’s working beautifully!

        Brian Maiolo overcame his discomfort and fear and went into ACTION with his 4 Questions!!!

        Jayne Heggen went through 250 contacts in her list and already got 50 responses, and 4 calls booked!

        David Yo thinks all his work on LinkedIn has been leading up to this time in the program – he’s thrilled about the training!

        Kevin Sterling has used the program to streamline his business and bring in more sales – including being able to see who his ideal client is!

        Norma Jordan-Backé shifted into seeing her profile from the client’s perspective – she “got” the concept of “what’s in it for them?” Which will shift her clients into being able to HEAR her!! AWESOME SHIFT, Norma!!!

        Gerine Doyle Skamarak has her engagement flowing wonderfully and starting to get calls! AND she’s de-stressed by managing the 4 Questions process!

        Maria-Isabel Campos-Gordon has developed a new potential client from her NEW POSITIONING!!!

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