Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Wins of the Week WINS OF THE WEEK!! 6/12/18

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    • #13848

      Halle Eavelyn

        We started the new Accountability call Friday and we will be doing it EVERY Friday!!  We are EXCITED about helping EVERYONE!!!  Check out the PINNED POST in this forum and at the top of each forum to see login info and COME JOIN US!

        @barry-ward is seeing RESULTS from his intentions for June!!!  He is already getting a client in the oil and gas industry AND he is breaking down his own walls and barriers in his mindset to see SUCCESS!!!

        @jim-morgenstern is back into his program and is TAKING ACTION with his new business!! YES!!!

        @laura-barker finished her Hero Story draft!!!  And finalized buying a Standing Desk!! ALRIGHT!!!

        @dean-rhinehart got his new computer UP and RUNNING!! WHEW!!!

        @shelley-shakes got an unexpected check of $3K in the mail!!!  AMAZING!!!

        @jo-ellen-iacovino is scared but she is TAKING ACTION as she joins the program!  WELCOME!!

        @dale-swanson opened an escrow, has 2 new buyer clients, got his infomercial posted on social media AND is almost through with his Hero Story!!  YEAH!!!

        @glo-reber got her profile updated AND pushed it out to folks from her Alma Mater and is excited about the responses she is getting – SMART MOVE, Glo!!

        @chuck-miller closed his ALL-CASH transaction and got a referral already from that client for another property!  And… got another contract for another property!!  WOOHOO!! CONGRATS, Chuck!!

        @kent-littlejohn  @matt-barcus  @tony-liddic @anthony-simonie  @negeen-dargahi @phil-hall  @alison-liddic @wilson-smith @kevin-hoover @anthony-hendrickson @cole-gordon @staci-ulrich  @jennifer-martin  @diane-hansen

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