Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Wins of the Week WINS OF THE WEEK 09/18/18

4 replies, 4 voices Last updated by Shamayah Neveling 5 years, 11 months ago
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    • #23006

      Halle Eavelyn

        WINS OF THE WEEK!!!!

        @ann-lovett-baird has a 2nd follow up with a new potential client AND she had a wonderful mindset breakthrough this last week – she is RARING TO GO!!! AWESOME!!!

        @neil-mcglone has ALSO had a big mindset shift and he’s starting to attract the right clients come through – YES!!!

        @nancy-anderson has 3 new contracts and 2 new clients!!! She has OPENED TO RECEIVE and it’s COMING IN!!!

        @lupe-lloyd has submitted her next bid!! YES!!!!

        @mark-steinbach already completed almost ALL his goal from the intentions he set this month, he has an in-person meeting with someone he met on LinkedIn, and he is feeling GREAT!!!!  TERRIFIC!!

        @shirley-morris just joined yesterday – she has already almost gotten her FULL summary completed and started the Orientation – she says she hasn’t been so excited about starting something in a long time!! WELCOME!!!

        @cecilia-najodowski has scheduled her first call with someone she met on LinkedIn!! WOOHOO!!!

        @lilia-russell has completed the first module AND has gotten her first meeting on LinkedIn!!

        @larry-williams‘ Alessandra Rose says: since the previous time we shared I did receive three more clients from LinkedIn 2 commercial investors and one gentleman that is transferring from Michigan to Wyoming 25% referral fee! also 5 listings total! great things keep happening as I take imperfect action
        I also post daily to connect with everyone that is helping me engage easier when I am messaging

        @kent-littlejohn  @matt-barcus  @tony-liddic @anthony-simonie  @negeen-dargahi @amanda-hendrickson  @alison-liddic @wilson-smith @kevin-hoover @anthony-hendrickson @cole-gordon @staci-ulrich  @jennifer-martin  @diane-hansen

      • #23020

        Jennifer Martin

          I’m loving all the positive shares. Way to go!

        • #23460

          Shamayah Neveling

            Started sending just a few messages this week:

            Sent out 6 messages:

            2 appointments – One with a dentist who coaches other dentists and would like to do a joint venture with me. The other one is scheduled for next week.

            2 other responses – Both of them not a good fit, so I didn’t want to schedule a call with them.

            2 people – didn’t hear back yet.




            Not bad for the first week 😉

            • #23529

              n d

                Super job, @shamayah-neveling! Proud of you for taking that action and setting up appointments!

                Keep sending out those Q1 – at least 17-23/day minimum is what we recommend.

                Also, try not to qualify too much before hopping on the phone with them.

                You never know who you could get a referral from 😉



            • #24258

              Shamayah Neveling

                Thanks for the feedback Negeen.

                I see what you mean. At the same time I don’t want to waste my time with the wrong people either…


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