Dashboard Forums High End Client Program LinkedIn – Infomercial Reviews & Questions Why you would want to own a rail road tank car..

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by n d 4 years, 5 months ago
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    • #43780

      marlin f. schmidt

        Here is my 30 second commercial.

        (Holding up a toy rail road tank car) Hi, Marlin  Schmidt here to tel you about the benefits of owning a rail road tank car This is what your 20,000 gallon car looks like. Many clients own ten or more cars.

        Your ownership of a tank car will give you high income and tax benefits with out market volatility. Buying two cars for $25,000 will pay you about five hundred dollars a month.

        A safe venture for you because the rail roads assumes all liability when they haul your car. And you get regular income from a firm that has not missed a quarterly payment to clients for 74 years.


      • #43788

        n d

          Hi @marlin-schmidt – this is a good start!! There does need to be more information for this video so below I provided a fun template that you can use. This will help you organize your points. Please fill it out:

          How about you start off asking up to 3 POWERFUL pain point questions…

          Are you WANTING _________?
          Do you NEED __________?

          Want __________?

          (after you ask 3 questions)

          If you answered ‘YES’ to those questions, you came to the right place!

          Hi, I’m _______ and I am a ____________ helping clients with _________.

          (2-5 sentences saying HOW exactly you plan to help / how you serve your clients)

          (you can add 1-2 more sentences about why they should work with you or maybe a motivating 1 liner to get them excited)

          If you want _______________ then message me here on LinkedIn to see if we’re a good fit.

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