Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Announcements Welcome Sue Hooper!

10 replies, 11 voices Last updated by HECProgram Admin 6 years, 1 month ago
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    • #17693

      HECProgram Admin

        Everyone please help me give a huge HECP welcome to our newest member @susan-hooper!  Susan is a rock star realtor out of Lake County Florida!  Sue has been closing 20+ homes for the last two years and is ready to move that volume into the High END Arena!  She wants to work with bigger homes so that she can make a bigger impact on the community.

        Not only is Sue a  previous Mayor, but she also volunteers regularly and helps members of her community out with every opportunity she gets.  This is going to be the year she pays off her house, takes a vacation, and uses her excess income to help thousands less fortunate than herself.

        We’re so honored to have you in our family Sue!  Welcome aboard 😀

      • #17695


          Welcome aboard @susan-hooper.  We love mission driven entrepreneurs, you are a perfect fit here!


        • #17697


            Woooohooo Sue!

            Welcome. Time to take action!!

          • #17699

            HECProgram Admin

              Great to meet you @susan-hooper!!  You are going to crush it with your experience! Congratulations to you 🙂

            • #17701


                Great to have you @susan-hooper!  You came to the right place

              • #17715

                HECP Admin

                  WELCOME to the family @susan-hooper @susan-hooper!

                  Get ready to take MASSIVE IMPERFECT ACTION and crush it!

                  See you on the next live call!



                • #17916

                  Halle Eavelyn

                    Hello Sue! Great to meet you and welcome to the program!

                  • #17923


                      Hello and welcome to the program Sue! Get ready to CRUSH your goals!!

                    • #18031

                      HECProgram Admin

                        Welcome to the program @susan-hooper!

                      • #18046

                        Susan Hooper

                          Thank you all.  I hope I am doing this right.  Not sure why I would want to use BBC codes to format my content.  I thought BBC was for blind copy of a message to be sent to another person other than the one you are replying to without their knowledge.  I don’t know what the P and Tags mean at the bottom of this page.

                          I am a novice at all this techy stuff! Please be patient with me.

                          At your service,

                          Susan “Sue” Hooper


                        • #18106

                          HECProgram Admin

                            Welcome Sue!  Excited to have you! @susan-hooper

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