Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Announcements Welcome Kammy!

8 replies, 5 voices Last updated by Laura Barker 6 years, 2 months ago
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    • #17302

      HECProgram Admin

        Hello HEC Team!

        Help me Welcome Kammy to the program! @kammy-thurman

        Kammy is nestled in the beautiful state of Montana with a skill set of copywriting!  She is ready to take business to the next level with focusing in the equestrian industries and partnering with the support of the HEC team!

        Her attention to detail, love of the content, and talent makes her a true expert in her field.

        Kammy, we are honored that you invested and that you believe in yourself!  Congrats and Welcome!

      • #17304

        Kammy Thurman

          Thanks, Stacy, excited to be here! 🙂

        • #17308

          HECProgram Admin

            Congratulations to you @kammy-thurman! Welcome to the HECP family!

          • #17335

            Kammy Thurman

              Thanks, Alison. 🙂

            • #17349

              Laura Barker

                @kammy-thurman Welcome! I just wanted you to know that there are other equestrians in the program!  I’m curious – do you write copy for equestrian publications only or for other types also?


              • #17351

                Kammy Thurman

                  Hi Laura! Great to meet another horse nut!

                  I am open to other industries, I’ve worked with over a hundred companies in about a dozen industries, ranging from financial to mining to Disney Resorts. My focus is on sales funnel copywriting/consulting, to help biz’s get more customers and keep them coming back. Especially for ecommerce businesses. Used to be you could just run a Facebook ad to a product page and snag sales left and right. But it’s gotten so expensive over the last year, that ecom needs sales funnels too to get the most bang out of their ad spend.

                  Re: horses, I’m looking to work with natural health practioners and feed/supplement companies for pets, horses and livestock. After I saw what an equine accupuncturist accomplished w/a horse at one of the rescues I volunteer at, I became fascinated with the holistic approach to preventative and chronic care with natural methods first.

                  I see you’re with Legal Sheild, same here! I don’t do any affiliate sales or anything, just have it for my biz and it’s come in handy on several occasions.

                  Hey, I just saw your pic of Miguel — really sorry about his passing. That’s tough, they become such a part of the family. Was he a Mustang? He’s built a lot like the wild horses here in the Pryor Mountains.

                  So, what are you working toward w/HEC?

                • #17371


                    Congrats & Welcome @kammy-thurman!

                  • #17405

                    Kammy Thurman

                      Thanks, Kevin!

                    • #17460

                      Laura Barker

                        @kammy-thurman – Sounds like you have quite a background in writing copy!! I feel certain you will love HECP! the coaching is best of class bar none! Be sure to plug in to ALL of the coaching calls.  Even if you think none of the questions will be relevant to you, trust me – they will be!

                        My horse, Miguel, was a Peruvian Paso.  He was very special – We got to ride together for 18 years! He was 30 when I had to put down due to a severe colic.

                        As for me, I’m working on my LegalShield business.  that said, I have found that the skills I’m learning are helping every aspect of my life and my other business as well!

                        I look forward to seeing you on the calls! Take care!





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