Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Webinar Reviews & Questions Webinar build feedback still needed

4 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Kathryn Rimstidt 5 years, 5 months ago
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    • #34422

      Kathryn Rimstidt

        @negeen-dargahi @halle-eavelyn


        Not sure who to tag on this.  I submitted my webinar build info through the site last Weds, so it’s been the 5 weekdays requested and I haven’t received feedback or the slides on powerpoint, so I wanted to check back in, to be sure the request was “in line” somewhere and/or that I didn’t lose the response.


        Thanks so much!,

        With love and appreciation,

      • #34451

        n d

          Hi @kathryn-rimstidt, can you please shoot over an email to Anthony@coredm.com and Lindsey@coredm.com and let them know you’ve been waiting??

          Thank you for letting me know.

          Lindsey, our graphic designer, is the one that makes the changes and Anthony reviews them.

        • #34786

          Kathryn Rimstidt

            Thanks,  @negeen-dargahi.  I actually still haven’t heard back and sent that e-mail you suggested on March 30th, so it’s been about another week.  I sent it from my e-mail account rather that on here, is that what you were suggesting?  Let me know if there’s something different I should do.  Just want to go on with the next step soon :), but understand if things are backed up or something.

            I guess I’ll include Anthony (@anthony-simonie) here too, just in case there’s something different he suggests or, like I mentioned, if he or Lindsey sent the comments and I lost them somehow.  I couldn’t find Lindsey’s contact here, but, as I said, included her in the e-mail last Friday.

            Thanks so much!,

            • #34788

              HECP Admin

                @kathryn-rimstidt, Just resent you an email from 3/30. Looks like you were not copied on the original email from Lindsey.

                You should have that link to download and next steps now.

                Please confirm here.

                Talk soon,


            • #34798

              Kathryn Rimstidt

                Thanks so much, @anthony-simonie!

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