Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Accountability WANT ACCOUNTABILITY?? POST HERE!!!

29 replies, 9 voices Last updated by Patricia Lykins 5 years, 2 months ago
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    • #34116

      Halle Eavelyn

        Posting rules:

        1. This forum is for YOU!!
        2. TAG us – that means typing @halle-eavelyn and @diane-hansen on the post.  No tagging means we probably won’t see it so it won’t make it onto our accountability spreadsheet!
        3. Claim SPECIFIC goals (“Barker 20 daily” or “Module 2 complete” or “Say my affirmations daily”) instead of GENERAL ones (“Get as far as I can in Module 2” or “Be nicer to myself”)
        4. Start a new post in this forum, instead of just commenting on this one Click the BACK button, then scroll DOWN to “CREATE NEW TOPIC IN “ACCOUNTABILITY” and the gold bar and start typing in the text box below it.
      • #34521

        Jeanette Uptain

          I posted this earlier in the wrong place. Sigh.

          Hi Halle.

          Didn’t do so well on Barker 20 but I did do some and scheduled a few calls. I am building my web site with my daughter. It looks like it is going to be a real challenge. I also started door knocking in my apartment complex introducing myself letting tenants know that I am here for them. I gave them my card and brochure. I am guessing there are lots of potential first time home buyers. It is a large complex and they raise the rent every year so I figure there must be a few people looking to buy a home soon.  I  introduced myself today to the couple who lives below me. I am a few weeks too late. They were packing and ready to move into their new home! I snooze, I lose. I also sent Linda the information needed for my webinar. I am scheduled 6 different days and time for opportunity floor time at my office, Coldwell Banker. I promise to get the Barker 20 down to a science this coming week. I did pick up a buyer after conversing with a nice gentleman on LinkedIn. I was so surprised when he called me and handed to phone to one of his clients. This is just in case I do not make it on the call tomorrow.


          Jeanette Uptain

        • #34523

          Jeanette Uptain

            Hi again.

            Today, I sent out 30 to 35 invitations with a note to divorce attorneys in LA County asking if they handled the Ventura County. Hoping to get connections later today.

            I door knocked 20 apartments today in my complex. I have a potential seller in Thousand Oaks and got good acceptance from all my neighbors wanting to set up times to talk with a couple of my lender connections. I am going to door knock 20 later today.

            I have 2 phone appointments set up for today, both after 11 AM.

            Will be on the realtor call at 9 AM.

            Jeanette Uptain


          • #34790

            Glo reber


              My e-book went to Lindsey and it is in the final stages!  Very excited about that. I have been doing the Barker 20! My invitations to my Holiday soiree are out and my plans are made for the 16th. I am completing the menu now.

              This week’s goal is to finish editing half of the slides in my webinar.  I will continue the Barker 20.






            • #34800

              Shirley Morris

                Hi..This week….Barker 20 –  4 days only… 3 appointments

                Completed Module 5…

                Started Module 6  – 33% completed

                Called 5 clients  – got a warm buyer lead

                Next week:  Complete :Webinar Research & Planning PDF Phase 1 & 2

                Review and modify current client Avatar

                Barker 20 – minimum of 3 appointments

                Identify a hot buyer lead

                Baker 20 – minimum 3 appointments


              • #34816

                Paula Cirulli

                  Spoke with 6 clients (former), met potential new investor prospect at networking meeting.  Listed a home.  Writing an offer for the home they want to buy.  Met a potential listing from a referral from a networking group I attend.  Met with another client who is going to be listing his home in June.  We met to discuss any repairs/staging. Met with a former client who has some great ideas for my videos and will post on her blog spotlighting local businesses.   Barker 20…not so great right now.  I have to get to the hacks Matt sent to me and make that happen.  I will do the Barker 20 starting Monday, everyday at 8:30 and over the weekend I will identify those who are my potential contacts on LinkedIn by using Matt’s hacks.

                  Diane and Halle, have a great weekend.

                  • #35494

                    Shirley Morris

                      This week required a lot of time be spent on health issues.

                      For next week…Complete Module 7 lesson  1

                      Contact 10 facebook  friends

                      Find one new seller lead

                      Re-do avatar

                  • #35012

                    Sharon wu Wu

                      Barker 20 2hrs/wk


                    • #35017

                      Paula Cirulli

                        This week has been crazy busy with new listings just on the market and those who will be coming on the market.  This is a good thing.    I have not tackled the Barker 20 using the advanced hacks from Matt…it’s a matter of having enough time to work with it.  I have been calling past clients….called 5 this week.

                        Thank you for your support and encouragement.

                      • #35030

                        Shirley Morris

                          This week

                          Completed Module 6 on to Module 7 next week

                          Barker 20 not daily….1 appointment

                          Week was mainly spent with daughter with eye surgery

                          Next week

                          Review and modify client avatar

                          Barker 20 3 appointments

                          Solicit 10 contacts

                          1st lesson in Module 7



                        • #35038

                          Shirley Morris

                            This week

                            Completed Module 6

                            Barker 20 – 1 appointment  – done 3 days ..

                            Time spent with my daughter after eye surgery

                            Next week

                            Review and modify client avatar

                            Barker 20  3 appointments

                            Solicit 10 contacts

                            complete 1st lesson in module 7

                          • #35075

                            Paula Cirulli

                              I am meeting a former client tomorrow who has a blog and we are going to do a video for that blog.  She is going to interview me.

                              I am having lunch with a former client.

                              I plan to tackle Barker 20.  At 4 PM tomorrow I will start the work to continue advancing on LinkedIn.

                              I will call 2 former clients per day.


                            • #35128

                              Shirley Morris

                                This week

                                Completed Lesson 1 Module 7

                                Got two appointments

                                3 days Barker 20

                                Took a listing


                                Next week

                                Module 7 Lesson 2, & 3

                                Barker 20

                                Start developing slides for the webinar





                              • #35326

                                Glo reber


                                  My partner has decided to retire, so I am re-doing my business plan week based solely on my organizations, planning, etc.  Excited but a bit nervous!


                                • #35367

                                  Glo reber

                                    I did my new business plan based solely on me!

                                    For this week, I will have a new client and a new listing!



                                    • #35427

                                      Diane Hansen

                                        For this week, I will have a new client and a new listing!

                                        SMART it!

                                        Specific: What kind of new client? What new listing? What quality listing?

                                        Measurable: Tighten up the goal. A new client and a new listing. Is this one or two? Are they one in the same?

                                        Attainable: Based on your past experience, is this attainable? What needs to be done to attain it?

                                        Realistic: Basic on your past experience, considering what needs to be done to attain it, is the goal realistic?

                                        Time-Bound: This week. This week by when?

                                        When you tighten that up, if you see multiple goals, put them in a numbered list, execute, and CELEBRATE!

                                        • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Diane Hansen.
                                    • #35369

                                      Glo reber

                                        Hi,  I forgot that for this week I also want to add that I am going to re-organize my office!!!


                                      • #35425

                                        Diane Hansen

                                          Hello all!

                                          Be sure to tag me in your posts so I can see and respond. Starting today, I will be in this forum at least once a week to check in on you all, offer encouragement, and fine tune your commitments to yourself. 🙂

                                          Happy Goal Setting (and ACHIEVEMENT)!


                                        • #35426

                                          Diane Hansen

                                            A suggestion on goals for all.

                                            #1: Make ’em SMART

                                            Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Bound

                                            These five points make a goal truly achievable because you are setting yourself up for success.

                                            #2: Organize them!

                                            1. Set goals that are succinct. One sentence long, hitting all the points of SMART.
                                            2. Number your goals. They are easier to see and celebrate that way.

                                            #3: Celebrate your wins.

                                            Get into the habit of showing up on Tuesdays and Thursday for the Wins of the Week. Celebrate your accountability. When you celebrate how accountable you have been to yourself, you create a new pathway to the reward center of your brain. You start achieving more and you get rewarded more (with money and good vibes from yourself/others).

                                            I’M HERE.

                                            I’m going to start with May and set your goals in this format. Be sure to tag me (and @halle-eavelyn to make sure we can track you!)


                                          • #35428

                                            Diane Hansen

                                              Hi, I forgot that for this week I also want to add that I am going to re-organize my office!!!


                                              SMART it!

                                              Specific: What needs to be done to reorganize your office? Can you break this up into sub-projects?

                                              Measurable: How big is your office? This helps me understand the scope of this goal. Example: If I say, “I need to clean out my office” everyone had a different idea of an office. It could be a multi-agent multi-desk office, a single room in a home, an office building.

                                              Attainable: Based on the measures and the specific sub-projects, is this attainable in the time frame you provided (this week)?

                                              Realistic: Basic on your past experience, considering what needs to be done to attain it, is the goal realistic?

                                              Time-Bound: This week. This week by when?

                                              When you tighten that up, if you see multiple goals, put them in a numbered list, execute, and CELEBRATE!

                                            • #35561

                                              Shirley Morris

                                                Contacted 10 Facebook friends with invitation to develop conversation communication…

                                                3 responses, and have had phone conversations.    Agreed to a one on one meetings with dates and times to be determined

                                                Got a hot buyer lead

                                                Met daily with my  brokers working on marketing opportunities

                                                Also established days and time for one of my brokers whose specialty is IT to work with me to develop my webinar, and all other technical module requirements

                                                My goal for completion of this entire program is July 30 or sooner.

                                                Worked on barker 20 for 3 days this week…….got 2 appointments  meeting next week


                                                Goals for next week

                                                Meet on Monday at noon with my broker for IT assistance

                                                Redo my avatar

                                                Complete Module 7




                                              • #35565

                                                Paula Cirulli

                                                  1.Barker 20 2x this week

                                                  2. Phone calls to two of my contacts through Barker 20.  I have one set for Monday.

                                                  3.Set a meeting with one of my local contacts from Barker 20.

                                                  4.Remove inspection contingency from one of my listings by resolving any repairs. Inspection is June 6.

                                                  5.Have an open house on two of my listings, one on Sunday, tomorrow and one next week with other agents who have listings in the same neighborhood.

                                                  6.Find that special home for a new buyer coming into town on June 24, price range $900,000 to $1.2M.

                                                  7.Complete Module 2

                                                  8.Call 10 clients

                                                  9.Produce 2 videos with the help of a client whose specialty is social media video and posting, and post to LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram.




                                                • #35586

                                                  Shirley Morris

                                                    Unfortunately I was unable to focus on my goals.   I was rear-ended (Motor Vehicle Accident) and was focused on the resulting injuries to my back.   Hopefully next week will be a better week

                                                    • #35591

                                                      n d

                                                        So sorry to hear that @shirley-morris! When you are ready to dive back in –your goals will be ready too! Best of luck recovering in the meantime!!

                                                    • #35593

                                                      Paula Cirulli

                                                        1.Barker 20 2x this week

                                                        2. Phone calls to two of my contacts through Barker 20.

                                                        3.Set a meeting with one of my local contacts from Barker 20.

                                                        4.Remove inspection contingency from one of my listings by resolving any repairs. Inspection was June 6.

                                                        5.Have an open house on of my listings today after help organize a neighborhood open house.

                                                        6.Find that special home for a new buyer coming into town on June 24, price range $900,000 to $1.2M.

                                                        7.Complete Module 2 (can’t seem to get back on board to finish this)

                                                        8.Call 10 clients

                                                        9.Produce 1 video and post to FB, LinkedIn and Instagram.

                                                      • #35616

                                                        Diane Hansen

                                                          1.Barker 20 2x this week

                                                          2. Phone calls to two of my contacts through Barker 20. I have one set for Monday.

                                                          3.Set a meeting with one of my local contacts from Barker 20.

                                                          4.Remove inspection contingency from one of my listings by resolving any repairs. Inspection is June 6.

                                                          5.Have an open house on two of my listings, one on Sunday, tomorrow and one next week with other agents who have listings in the same neighborhood.

                                                          6.Find that special home for a new buyer coming into town on June 24, price range $900,000 to $1.2M.

                                                          7.Complete Module 2

                                                          8.Call 10 clients

                                                          9.Produce 2 videos with the help of a client whose specialty is social media video and posting, and post to LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram.

                                                          Did these get done last week? If something did not get done, what do you feel may have gotten in the way?

                                                        • #35642

                                                          Shirley Morris

                                                            Barker 20 daily

                                                            Develop material for home buying seminars for mortgage lender/printing

                                                            Complete module 7

                                                            Rewrite portions of Hero Story

                                                            Review Modules 4,5,6


                                                          • #35671

                                                            Shirley Morris

                                                              Reviewed modules 4,5,6..  need to re- listen to certain sections in each module … complete by June 30th

                                                              Module 7 – too much detail re webinar – need to listen over and over to assimilate in its totality and be able to produce webinar  – ongoing

                                                              Determined that I should rewrite final segment of hero

                                                              story… need to be completed by July 15th

                                                              Material for home buying seminar has been mentally formulated.    Need to put on paper by July 7th

                                                              Barker 20 – continue daily and set up appointments.  Having a challenge with getting appointments. .  Receiving responses to Q 1 & 2  but no responses for invitation

                                                              for phone conversation.

                                                            • #35698

                                                              Shirley Morris

                                                                Continue to review Modules 4,5,6….

                                                                Based on feedback am rewriting the power point sections of the webinar to  reflect recommendations from the team

                                                                Material for Homebuyers Seminar on paper…lender to co present identified   need to identify most economical printer for the maerials

                                                                Working with 2 buyers currently…one will decide how I want to proceed…looks to be a time waster

                                                                Barker 20…obtaining appts still challenging.. analyzing those that I am contacting more seriously

                                                                Content for rewrite of Hero Story in draft form…formalize by July 6




                                                              • #35762

                                                                Patricia Lykins

                                                                  Had a GREAT graduation call with Diane Tuesday evening.  She really, really got me pumped up and excited!  She gave me 3 assignments –

                                                                  1. purchase a microphone which I did last night – a portable Sampson USB mike – $42
                                                                  2. Contact Lindsay for the Done-For-You Realtor Webinar (just sent her an email)
                                                                  3. I had shared with her how I had just started a 2-yr contract with one of my personal accounting clients.  It took me 3 1/2 weeks to sort, figure what was and was not done and get them back on track with on-time financials that it took the prior “accountant” there to make a terrible mess in 4 months–they had not had financials since March.  She helped me to see how I had applied Add Value Fast to my account work and that I could apply that same mindset to real estate.  I sat right down Tuesday evening and journalized.  She also suggested that I reflect on other uses for the webinars.

                                                                  My journal document is attached (a work in process).  By the way Diane, the one couple we spoke of – he texted me today with an update on their status as a result of my texting him 3 addresses from the visual tours in our Tuesday Sales Meeting.  I have not lost them!

                                                                  Last but far from least – Diane showed me a very easy way within Power Point to add voice over to the webinars – that is ACE!

                                                                  I am really pumped – took a class last evening regarding use of Instagram for marketing – that added to my hype.  I plan to have this all working well by the time I complete my 2-yr accountant project!!  Thank you all!

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