10 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Dale Swanson 6 years, 4 months ago
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  • Author
    • #10551

      Dale Swanson


        “Have you dreamed of a home in the southern California desert, and the casual, elegant lifestyle that comes with it?

        Do you want style, space to entertain, beautiful mountain views, clear skies and warm sunshine?

        If this sounds like you, I can help. My focus on your objective is absolute. You’ll be able to move forward from the past, concentrate on the future – and above all, relax.

        When you are ready to buy your piece of paradise, call or text (760) 641-9416.

        You’ll be glad you did.”


        “Want to see your beautiful home marketed professionally – to millions of qualified Buyers – in a sleek, attractive presentation that brings in a solid offer?

        Do you want an attentive, responsive, and patient Realtor that can put your mind at ease?

        If this sounds like you, I can help. My focus on your objective is absolute. You’ll be able to move forward from the past, concentrate on the future – and above all, relax.

        When you are ready to sell your home, call or text (760) 641-9416.

        You’ll be glad you did.”

      • #10596

        n d

          Hi @dale-swanson, would you be filming 2 infomercials? If so, provide a little bit more info after you introduce yourself. Both look super!! Great work!


        • #11011

          Dale Swanson

            Thank you, Negeen. My concerns here are: a) to keep the length to securely under 30 seconds; and b) to get them to call (or e-mail, or text), rather than having their attention drift, or giving up the store without direct engagement.

            • #11069

              n d

                @dale-swanson, actually 1min 30sec is good. 2min is the absolute max so hope that helps.

                Just say your number out loud and use the same call to action from your LI to have them message you on LI as well!


            • #11191

              Dale Swanson

                ARRGGGHH. I’ve spent much of this past weekend trying to do a video, with my iPhone, so that I can at least upload it in HECP, and move on with the modules. Using Videolicious, I finally got one not-awful delivery (after 10 attempts), input some stills (that I wanted to cut to while the audio continues in voice-over, before coming back to me, at the end). The overall video of my delivery comes to 1 min., 10 secs. I even selected some cool jazz, to run in the background. But I can’t figure out how to move the still shots over my video, then cut back to me, more stills, then back to me for the closing (at least, I can’t seem to figure it out on my iPhone in Videolicious – which I found so easy to use a couple of years ago). I’ve sent a help request to Videolicious, and got an auto-response receipt acknowledgement. Is there anybody at HECP I could send these video files to (for some reason, I ended up with 2 of them) in order to cut them together (so that I don’t have a full repeat of the video at the end, making the whole thing run to 3:20)?

                Below, attached is my third revision of my infomercial script. I keep seeing varying descriptions and advice, regarding the defining or ideal running length of this exercise: I thought it was supposed to be a 30-second infomercial. Somewhere I saw, in discussion, that 60 seconds, tops, was best. Now you are advising me that it should be between 1:45 and 2:00 tops. The script (for Buyers) attached here is the one I recorded today. Including the Berkshire Hathaway logos that Videolicious attaches at the beginning and end – which look nice – my delivery runs to 1:10.


              • #11206

                n d

                  Hi @dale-swanson! Thank you for sending your infomercial script, make sure that while you have specialties, you want to mainly keep it about HOW you’ll help them. I loved your pain point questions.

                  Don’t worry so much about background music and stills. Just place your iPhone on a stack of books that is horizontal and eye level and click record and say your script. Don’t make it harder than it needs to be and you can move on 🙂 you can ALWAYS perfect your video. Halle does it all the time!

                  As far as the times, that’s my mistake! I’ve heard many things as well but don’t stress about time. Just say it naturally. 1min 10sec is perfect.


                • #11324

                  Dale Swanson


                    This is how I have managed to finesse it, so far. It’s not perfect but I’m relieved to have finally gotten it to this point. Hopefully if I do proceed to with the Seller version, it will go more smoothly (and more quickly).


                    Buyer Infomerical (1:10):


                  • #11373

                    n d

                      Hi @dale-swanson, please make sure you watch the video that Halle made. I like where you’re going with the video but you are looking over in the camera and it doesn’t look right.

                      I want you to be at eye level with the camera, in a nice location and speak as if you are talking with an old friend 🙂

                      I can see your hard work! Nice job, and just make sure to only include images of homes and testimonials so it doesn’t get too impersonal with more images and less of your face.

                      Watch the video I mentioned above, please 🙂


                    • #11455

                      Dale Swanson

                        Thank you, Negeen.

                        I’m not happy with my delivery (let alone, my face), or the angle, or the lighting, on this attempt either. I think I’m finally getting the knack of how to cut in the still images, at the points where I want them.

                        But my big problem, throughout this little project – which is now approaching the two-month mark – is finding a PRIVATE place, with decent lighting and an uncluttered background (or at least, decent lighting and an attractive background), where I can speak OUT LOUD, hopefully without fluffing the lines, and without the sound of a half-dozen other Agents having a laugh-riot, or shouting into their cell phones, or the sounds of everything from AC units kicking on, to barking dogs, to sirens. I tried to go to a couple of a local scenic spots, but the very bright sun and wind noise were also a problem.

                        Which of Halle’s videos are you referring to? She has dozens here, and I’ve looked at many of them. Please advise. Thank you.


                      • #11483

                        n d

                          Hi @dale-swanson, even filming at a friends or somewhere quiet so you can speak louder will do! To find the video follow these steps:

                          HECP Transformational Business Strategy Trainings

                          or click up ^

                          Go to dashboard –> program modules —> transformational biz strategy –> video tips


                        • #11819

                          Dale Swanson

                            Negeen, Halle:

                            Here is my second attempt, re-recorded yesterday.


                            Buyer Infomercial (1:12)

                            https://dashboard.videolicious.com/watch/3e264c50-fddc-47b1-b711-bd90b57b1338 .


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