Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Live Q&A Call Questions TUESDAY (06.25.19) LIVE Q&A CALL QUESTIONS

7 replies, 5 voices Last updated by Monica Severson 5 years, 3 months ago
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  • Author
    • #35674

      Matt test

        Post your questions below for the Live Q&A Call on Tuesday 06.25.19

      • #35675

        Gae Callaway

          Yesterday I sent Linsey the script that I wanted to be recorded and I believe you do it, but what is the cost?  Also If I have my own community type pictures I would like to use, can we do that? Thanks, Gae

        • #35677

          Shirley Morris

            When completing the appropriate tiles for the webinar,  should the information be completed using bullet points versus narrative

          • #35680

            Shirley Morris

              Unable to attend Tuesday’s call….all day continuing education for renewal of license.    Thanks for your response to my question

            • #35681

              HECP Admin

                Hi @gae-callaway @gae-callaway,


                I saw the email you speak of.


                There must have been some miss communication between you and Lindsey.


                We do not record the webinar for you. You will need to record the webinar using the steps outlined in the training modules.


                Those in real estate have an option to use our webinar we’ve had recorded. We simply edit in their photos and images and allow them to use it.


                We do not have this for other industries.

                We could refer you out to someone who could record it, but you would need to have a word for word script that applies to each and every slide.


                I’m not sure going through that amount of work would save you any time from simply doing it yourself.

                I believe I sent you the links to the appropriate modules by email and here in the support forum.

                If you need them again, let me know or just search your name in the member portal here and or email.


                Talk soon!




                Yesterday I sent Linsey the script that I wanted to be recorded and I believe you do it, but what is the cost? Also If I have my own community type pictures I would like to use, can we do that? Thanks, Gae

              • #35682

                HECP Admin

                  Hi @gae-callaway @gae-callaway,


                  I saw the email you speak of.


                  There must have been some miss communication between you and Lindsey.


                  We do not record the webinar for you. You will need to record the webinar using the steps outlined in the training modules.


                  Those in real estate have an option to use our webinar we’ve had recorded. We simply edit in their photos and images and allow them to use it.


                  We do not have this for other industries.

                  We could refer you out to someone who could record it, but you would need to have a word for word script that applies to each and every slide.


                  I’m not sure going through that amount of work would save you any time from simply doing it yourself.

                  I believe I sent you the links to the appropriate modules by email and here in the support forum.

                  If you need them again, let me know or just search your name in the member portal here and or email.


                  Talk soon!




                  Yesterday I sent Linsey the script that I wanted to be recorded and I believe you do it, but what is the cost? Also If I have my own community type pictures I would like to use, can we do that? Thanks, Gae

                • #35683

                  HECP Admin



                    Title is fine at the top of each slide or in the middle of the slide (if it will only have the title).


                    Other text should either be short and concise or bullet pointed.


                    You don’t want to have so much on the slide that the audience reads versus listening to your voice.


                    Save any additional text to put in the notes section of the PowerPoint.


                    Nobody will see that text in the notes section except for you when you are in full acreen/presenter mode.



                    When completing the appropriate tiles for the webinar, should the information be completed using bullet points versus narrative

                  • #35684

                    Monica Severson

                      I am about to go back to module 2 as I see there are updates. I only have free LI, do these updates pertain to that? Also, I have checked but want to be sure I am not missing anything. Is there any advanced searches that you can do with the free program? Thank you


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