Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Live Q&A Call Questions TUESDAY (01.29.19) LIVE Q&A CALL QUESTIONS


10 replies, 11 voices Last updated by n d 5 years, 7 months ago
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  • Author
    • #31218

      Matt test

        Post your questions below for the Live Q&A Call on Tuesday 01.29.19

      • #31223

        Jennifer Davis

          Do you think it would be helpful for realtors to have a central location to share ideas, suggestions, etc related to this program? I often feel as if I am spending time trying to adapt this format for my industry when other realtors have done the same thing. Maybe we could help each other if we could communicate ideas between us.  What do you think about setting up a FB group just for HeCP realtors, both current and past clients of the program? If you think that is a good idea, I would take the lead happily – just need suggestions of how to find other HECP realtors.  Thank you!


        • #31261

          Ann Dempsey

            I am having a hard time relating this program to real estate.   Most of my contacts on Linkedin are Realtors, loan officers, inspectors, etc.   I can’t really ask what their core business is when I already know. Do I have a different set of questions to connect with these people. I want to make this work.  Any suggestions will help!

          • #31273

            Ed Benson

              I have not contacted my 64 current LinkedIn connections as it doesn’t seem to make sense to me.  41 Of my connection are Realtors in my area, my competitors, 3 my kids that do not live in the area, and 20 that are past connections from my previous career also not in this area.  I seems to me that if I ask them what is their core business they would say are you kidding as you already know that.  Am I crazy here?

              Trying to start digging to do the Barker 20, but have some gray matter here, maybe because I was out of pocket last week with my wife’s surgery, but kinda of unclear on what is the best way to start to mine for my perfect client.  I know I can look at certain types occupations but not sure how I would find the ones in there that I am looking for.  Am I trying to Read too much into to this?

            • #31293

              Mark Steinbach

                Please look at my LinkedIn profile and suggest the 3 best quickest easiest way to refresh for more traffic of lead generation. Thank You!

              • #31316

                Bill Toujouse

                  I am struggling to get more connections on LinkedIn. Will my profile now, attract more prospects to connect with me?




                • #31318

                  Gae Callaway

                    Help, I have lost my Tuesday call in numbers and didn’t get a post.

                    • #31322

                      HECP Admin

                        @gae-callaway, Matt Barcus just emailed you the call info again 🙂

                      • #31331

                        Halle Eavelyn

                          @gae-callaway at 1 hour 10 min into the call, I addressed your question about wanting help with connections!

                          Please listen to the call recording once it’s posted tomorrow!!

                      • #31348

                        Alessandra/Larry Williams Team

                          I am working on my hero story right now, Halle sent me a hero’s story overview path on 12/27/18 however, I can’t find the link on my email or in the forums. I would like to click on the links she provided I think it will help me more, Also when I write this out should I type this on the word? Then copy past for you all to review?





                        • #31391

                          n d

                            Hi @larry-williams Alessandra!

                            The Hero Story Overview is a pinned post in the Hero Story Forum:


                            When you are ready to post your hero story for feedback, please make sure to have the document as an attachment and in the Hero Story forum.


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