8 replies, 2 voices Last updated by n d 2 years, 8 months ago
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  • Author
    • #48167

      Brian Jones

        I was trying to find the “4 Trojan Horse questions” and did a search that gave me this string. I’m just going to jump in here, since I’m new to this and let you know that, thanks to you and this system, I was able to have the questions in mind when a relative just called me to “see how I was doing” and after sharing, I asked what they were up to. Their partner in life is starting a business and I was able to ask:

        Question 1. Great to connect [Name], what is your core business?

        Question 2. Interesting. Where will it be located?

        Question 3. Do you have a name for the business yet?

        Question 4. Great! Let’s chat further for a few minutes before the year is out, I have a fairly large network that might benefit you. Can we talk when you get more organized for business?

        Potential customer on the hook.

      • #48171

        n d

          Hi @brian-jones, fantastic job! May I ask what field of work you’re in?


        • #48186

          Brian Jones

            Hi @brian-jones, fantastic job! May I ask what field of work you’re in?

            marketing communications design; experiential graphic design

          • #48195

            n d

              Hi @brian-jones! Very cool. Okay so when you’re asking Q2, do you (for your work) actually need to know where they live? If not, let’s just bypass that question.

              Instead, you can ask Q1, and then ask what something relates to their response, and THEN you can go into your Q4.

              Although, I like your questions so you can split test and see which questions get the most replies.

              Nice work!

              Also, please submit your profile for review if you haven’t done so 🙂

            • #48207

              Brian Jones

                OK. This is helpful. Thanks for the voice-to-voice support.

              • #48210

                n d

                  You’re most welcome @brian-jones!!


                • #48220

                  Brian Jones

                    To know where they live is really “where is the business located.” They are in the DC Metro Area, and that location could be DC, Virginia or Maryland. They are starting an elder care center and have a book of clients now, just no formal location.

                  • #48280

                    Brian Jones

                      negeen dargahi

                      Trojan Horse Questions (I would use these generically for MIA. The questions I posed before, were related to a situation where someone called me on a different subject and said they were starting a business. I wanted to launch into the 4Qs immediately, and tailor them to the situation, but I now see the purpose of the main 4Qs.)

                      What’s your core business for 2022?

                      Do you have enough time in the day to see your business vision realized?


                      What’s your core business for 2022?

                      If I could show you how to transform your business to lead in your market without spending more $ or time, is that something you would be interested in?


                      What’s your core business for 2022?

                      If I could show you how to reach mission-critical objectives in your business without spending more $ or time, is that something you would be interested in?


                      What’s your core business for 2022?

                      If I could show you how to transform your business to lead in your market without spending more $ or time, is that something you would be interested in?

                    • #48298

                      n d

                        Hi @brian-jones, I am so glad you asked your question on the live call the other day! Do you feel comfortable with your new set of questions?


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