Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Live Q&A Call Questions THURSDAY (07.11.19) LIVE Q&A CALL QUESTIONS

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by Ja Gold 5 years, 2 months ago
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    • #35750

      Matt test

        Post your questions below for the Live Q&A Call on Thursday 07.11.19

      • #35757

        Ja Gold

          I won’t be able to participate in today’s call, but I will look forward to your answer.

          I have been working the program for a while now. Working LinkedIn with the Trojan Horse questions. Negeen Dargahi suggested I write in to see if you guys could fine tune my questions. My business in the Cleveland, Ohio area is skin care (high end) and the majority of the customers I see are women.  That is who I primarily seek out on LinkedIn. The older the better. They tend to have more disposable income and need. The best way to show them the superiority of my product line is to get them to come in for a facial treatment, wherein the course of the treatment they see how good the products work and get them interested in purchasing the products (in theory).

          So on, LinkedIn after the first 2 generic questions I ask the following:

          Q3: “Do you currently have a skincare routine that is working for you?”

          Q4: “Ok. If had a few simple strategies to help you get the look you want, would you like me to share it with you?”

          So far I have 2 people answer Yes to Q. 3 and 2 people answer no. When they reply “no” it is easy to go on to Q4 and talk to them. If they answer yes to Q3, do I stop there? or go on to Q4 and try to talk to them and get them in my office. Is there a better way of asking Q3 / Q4?

          Additionally, after weeks of doing this, out of 114 connections I only connected with 4 people (very few respond past Q1 (What is your core business). Not a good batting average. As I go through the program will there be other techniques to reach out to (high end) people?

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