Do you recommend sending Q1-Q4 to new connections only 4 days a week Mon thru Thu and perhaps Sun evening (excluding holidays) if I have time, so I can get replies on Monday? What I am finding out that if I send Q1-Q4 on Friday, people respond the same and get engaged if I keep sending Q2-Q4 the same day. When I am sending Q4 on Fri to book a call for tomorrow which would be a Sat, I get excuses since it’s Sat and I lose them if I try to book a call for Monday. What is your experience and what schedule works the best?
2. Also what is the best time of the day from your experience to send Q1-Q4? Mornings or afternoons? So far I was sending only in afternoon.
3. What is a normal acceptance rate of sent connection requests? I get right now only 15% acceptance rate. So only 15 out of 100 connection requests sent accept my connection invitation. I send new connection requests from the network of people who are already connected to me. I thought I would have a higher acceptance rate. Is it possible to increase that to 30% and if so, how can I do it?
4. What is a normal conversion rate % of calls booked on sent out 20 x Q1-Q4 on 4-5 days of the week? I need to understand if I’m in line or need to increase that number to meet the target.
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