What is the difference between an infomercial and a webinar? Another question is that I don’t have an iPhone, but instead have an Android Samsung Smart phone. I also have a great camera called Nikon Coolpix B500. Please let me know which device is best. Thanks!
Your infomercial is a short 1-3 minute video that quickly explains what you do, who you work with and how you help your clients. This video is typically featured on your LinkedIn profile and or other platforms you see fit.
Your webinar is a longer video typically from 30min – 1 hour or longer. This goes very deep into your process, etc.
You will have to be in front of the camera for your infomercial but not in front of the camera for your webinar. This is all explained in the lesson trainings.
For your infomercial, you can film on your phone!
Please watch Halles video called “VIDEO TIPS” in the Transformational Business Strategy Module (bottom middle module on your MAIN DASHBOARD – turquoise with a bulls eye) video index is to the right of the video window, in alphabetical order.
My techie friend who helped me complete my infomercial advised using my computer instead. Quicktime Player works very well, and the computer gives better sound and more flexibility. Just a thought.
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