3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by n d 5 years, 11 months ago
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  • Author
    • #26481

      Frank Petras

        I sell high-end real estate in Naples, FL and have really struggled coming up with the four questions.  Will you please take a look at the following and edit/re-write as you deem appropriate.


        Q1: Great to connect ‘NAME’… what’s your core focus in 2018?

        Q2: If I were able to connect you with business opportunities, would you be interested?

        Q3: Perfect! Do you happen to own any real estate in Naples, FL?

        Q4: Let’s talk for a few minutes. I have a fairly big network that may benefit you. What are a few time windows today or tomorrow that would work for you?

        Q5: [Time] works perfect! What’s your mobile number?

        Great. I’ll call you at [time].

        Talk soon,



      • #26505

        n d

          Hi @frank-petras! This is a GREAT start!

          You can totally use that AND you can split test between these other 4 questions below:

          Q1: Great to connect ‘NAME’… what’s your core business?

          Q2: Perfect! Do you live in Naples, FL?

          Q3: Fantastic. How many years have you lived here?

          That’s great! Let’s chat for a few minutes. I have a fairly big network that may benefit you.

          Q4: What are a few time windows that you have tomorrow?

          2pm works perfect

          Q5: What’s your mobile?

          Great. I’ll call you at 2pm.

          Talk soon,



        • #26508

          Frank Petras

            Thank you!  What if they respond by saying they don’t own real estate in Naples?  Do I still try to get them on the phone or do I end the online conversation?

            Naples is a resort town where everyone is from somewhere else and the property they own in Naples is often times a secondary or tertiary residence.

            I’m not sure how to target my connections to just people who own property in Naples.


          • #26625

            n d

              Hi @frank-petras! This would be a great question to ask Kent on one of the live Q&A calls!

              In the meantime, you can always say something like:

              “No problem! Let’s chat for a few minutes. I have a fairly big network that may benefit you.”

              See how both of those set of 4 questions go by split testing and you’ll have a better idea of what questions are working and which one’s aren’t.

              Watch “The Barker 20” in the Transformational Business Strategy Module, that will really help!!

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