GREAT job uploading it to youtube and then putting the link on your LI profile!
Your script is great and your speaking pace is really good!
The video is a bit too dark and it looks like you’re reading rather than it looking like you’re directly talking to your potential client. You want it to sound natural and conversational (not like a script).
An umbrella light can really help your video look more professional, but it’s not necessary to buy one if you don’t already have one. Window light is also GREAT! Another thing to be aware of is your background and how it affects how professional your video looks.
Check out fellow HECP client Neil McGlone’s infomercial for inspiration:
@mario-kruja This definitely looks better than the first and brighter!
However, the lighting is still not great.
Watch Halle’s “video tips” video in the Transformational Business Strategy Module.
Your video is not very engaging but that can be changed by simply having a nicer background and more enthusiasm in your voice!
Watch Halle’s video for more tips and then re-film and post the link here.
Please tag me so I see it right away!
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