Dashboard Forums High End Client Program LinkedIn – General Questions request to connect to a 2nd level

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by n d 5 years, 9 months ago
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    • #29545

      Carol Linden

        @kent-littlejohn ?

        So, REQEST TO CONNECT: this person is a 2nd level. So EVEN WHEN we have a mutual connection, you want me to send a plain default “request to connect”? Instead of mentioning that we have a mutual connection? She’s a good one, too. She knows me through the Myers-Briggs community so she things well of me.

        Just please recommend if it’s ok to personalize the request if they’re a 2nd level connection.

        Thanks so much,


        P.S. It is taking me GREAT COURAGE to do this!!! Thank goodness Halle reminded me I’m not selling, I’m helping. 🙂

      • #29572

        n d

          Hi @carol-linden – I would make your best judgment on this. If this is someone who already knows you and you know them, then consider connecting without the message and then sending your Q1.

          You can also ask Kent this on the live call!

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