12 replies, 2 voices Last updated by n d 5 years, 12 months ago
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  • Author
    • #22949

      Meredith Erickson


        I decided that the camera quality is better to film with my computer and upload to You Tube.  So I have re shot my video and have attached it here for your comments.

      • #22960

        n d

          Hi @meredith-erickson, for some reason, it is not letting me watch the video.

          Make sure you check to see if the link works and that it is set to public.

          Thank you!


        • #22970

          Meredith Erickson

            I sent it to myself and it works thru my email.  I am trying it again here.

          • #22972

            Meredith Erickson

              The link is in the tags.

            • #22988

              n d

                Hi @meredith-erickson, I saw the tag and copy and pasted into my headline, but it will not let me view the video.

                What happens when you copy and paste the link you provided in the tag? Are you able to see the video play?

                If so, your video is not public. If not, try recapturing the link.


              • #23023

                Meredith Erickson



                  I went to You Tube and copy/pasted it again here.  Let me know if it worked this time.  I did see that it had 7 views so it has to be public.  I could not find a way to see if it is public or private.  Settings did not have that option.

                  • #23085

                    n d

                      Hi @meredith-erickson, sorry about that – I’m still unable to see the video! Hm.

                      I want you to go YouTube.com and go straight to the video.

                      Go to the video and start watching it – while it is up, please copy the URL in the address bar.

                      Try sending that to me. You can also try emailing it to me negeen@coredm.com

                  • #23463

                    Meredith Erickson


                      I forwarded the link through my email to yours on Tues the 18th.  Did you receive it and were you able to open it?


                    • #23533

                      n d

                        Hi @meredith-erickson, I sent your video over to the team to see if the issue was coming from my end… looks like they weren’t able to see it either.

                        I’d like you to come to one of my technical calls so I can actually see your screen and see what the issue is.

                        It’s every Monday at 11am EST and Wednesdays at 6pm EST.

                        Please click on this link below at the allotted time:


                        I look forward to helping you figure out the issue 🙂

                      • #23847

                        Meredith Erickson


                          Thank you for helping me get thru this infomercial problem.  Below is the original script:

                          Do you want your next sale to be stress free?  Want a broker that can help to create the “look” that today’s buyers are searching for?  Sound too good to be true?  It might sound like that, but after 34 years of experience, you came to the right person.

                          Hi, I’m Meredith Erickson and I am committed to helping YOU sell your home.

                          When you work with me, you get current statistic on market conditions, laws and upcoming developments.  Your time is valuable?  I know this and will make sure to save you time and money by doing all the research and leg work for you.

                          What’s better?  You can stop worrying about the contingencies and complicated paperwork.  My expert advice on pricing and staging will set you apart from any competition-without you having to lift a finger.  Yes!  You heard that right!

                          So, if you are ready to start the process, message me TODAY here on LinkedIn to see if we’re a good fit!

                          A shorter version:

                          Do you want your next sale to e stress free?  Want a broker that can help to create the “look” that today’s buyers are searching for?  It might sound too good to be true, however, after 34 years or helping homeowners get optimum results, you came to the right person.

                          Hi, I’m Meredith Erickson and I am committed to helping YOU sell your home.

                          Your time is valuable!  I know this and will make sure to save you time & money by doing all the research and guiding you so that you can make informed and smart decisions.

                          What’s better?  You can stop worrying about the details and complicated paperwork.  My expert advice on pricing and staging will set you apart from any competition-without you having to lift a finger.  Yes, you heard that right!

                          So if you are ready to start the process, message me TODAY, here on LinkedIn to see if we’re a good fit!

                        • #23910

                          n d

                            Hi @meredith-erickson!

                            I’m so happy I could have helped 🙂

                            Okay, I personally like the shorter version. It gets the same message across in an easy to digest manner.

                            Run with that, film it and let me know so I can take a look!

                            Great work!

                          • #24017

                            Meredith Erickson


                              I have re filmed my infomercial.  I tried it on my Iphone but could not get it transfered from my Iphone to my computer to get it on You Tube.  I tried uploading directly to You Tube but the email address on my phone You Tube is the wrong email address and I was not able to change it.  I also tried filming with a different background but I found the lighting to be too harsh.

                              Anyway, I hope this is better.


                            • #24040

                              n d

                                Hi @meredith-erickson!! This looks so much better! I had to raise my volume up significantly BUT this works 🙂

                                Good job!

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