Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Announcements REALTOR??? OR JUST NEED NETWORKING HELP?? READ THIS NOW!!!!

31 replies, 13 voices Last updated by n d 5 years, 11 months ago
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  • Author
    • #19180

      Halle Eavelyn

        I am thrilled to announce our first SPECIAL MASTER CLASSNetworking In Real Life – Tips To Connect, Tips For Calls, Tips For Meeting Perfect Strangers and Creating Business.

        WHO IS THIS CALL FOR: Realtors and anyone looking for help with networking and meeting new people

        WHAT YOU WILL GET: Practical tips, easy solutions, and role-playing to get you comfortable. We will cover: what to do with people you meet on LinkedIn, at a cocktail party, at the grocery store.  How to segue-way from the 4 Questions to a call; how to segue from the chitchat on a 5-min call to the substantial issue at hand (Can you give me more business??)

        This call is ONE-TIME ONLY!!! 

        WED, 8/15/2018 12PM EST, 9AM PST 
        Call-in info is same as the Mindset and Accountability Calls (INFO AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST)

        BEFORE THE CALL: You MUST WATCH THESE SHORT VIDEOS in the Transformational Business Strategies module (approx. 5 min EACH):

        • Positioning
        • Client Avatar
        • 4 Questions
        • Connect, Engage, Converse

        <p class=”p1″>All my videos are in the Transformational Business Strategy module (bottom middle module on your MAIN DASHBOARD – turquoise with a bulls eye) video index is to the right of the video window, in alphabetical order.</p>
        Questions?? POST BELOW!!!

        <p class=”p1″>Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/7099495740</p>
        <p class=”p1″>Or iPhone one-tap :</p>
        <p class=”p1″>    US: +14086380968,,7099495740#  or +16468769923,,7099495740# </p>
        <p class=”p1″>Or Telephone:</p>
        <p class=”p1″>    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): </p>
        <p class=”p1″>        US: +1 408 638 0968  or +1 646 876 9923  or +1 669 900 6833 </p>
        <p class=”p1″>        Canada: +1 647 558 0588 </p>
        <p class=”p1″>        Australia: +61 (0) 2 8015 2088 </p>
        <p class=”p1″>        United Kingdom: +44 (0) 20 3695 0088 </p>
        <p class=”p1″>    Meeting ID: 709 949 5740</p>
        <p class=”p1″>    International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=sDkd9U2Bsx-B1nK2iHKUIcfjHJ9RQCCc</p>

        @kent-littlejohn  @matt-barcus  @tony-liddic @anthony-simonie  @negeen-dargahi @amanda-hendrickson  @alison-liddic @wilson-smith @kevin-hoover @anthony-hendrickson @cole-gordon @staci-ulrich  @jennifer-martin  @diane-hansen

      • #19449

        filippa reading

          @halle-eavelyn  @kent-littlejohn

          I have a question; If I like to attract other Realtors to Exp Realty and “my team” (soon)…what’s the best way of attracting them? How should approach them…?


          Filippa Reading


        • #19564

          Bruce Graham

            I’d like to attend tomorrow’s Mindset and Accountability Call. Where exactly do I find the short videos I MUST WATCH in the Transformational Business Strategies module?:

            • Positioning
            • Client Avatar
            • 4 Questions
            • Connect, Engage, Converse
            • #19576

              n d

                Hi @bruce-graham, happy to help! Here is how:

                All of those videos are in the Transformational Business Strategy module (bottom middle module on your MAIN DASHBOARD – turquoise with a bullseye) video index is to the right of the video window, in alphabetical order.


            • #19614

              Susan Patterson

                Halle, would love to attend but have been super busy “working” and meeting with a client today…hopefully this will be recorded.  Sorry I have to miss this ~susan

              • #19695

                Kristen Mehr

                  I also could not attend. REALLY would love to hear the recording…IS THERE ONE?

                • #19732

                  n d

                    @halle-eavelyn ^ where will these be once recorded?


                  • #19799

                    Halle Eavelyn

                      Recording should be posted TODAY!!! I’ll figure out where and post the link!!

                    • #19812

                      n d

                        @kristen-mehr  @susan-patterson ^ please read the comment above



                      • #19903

                        filippa reading

                          @halle-eavelyn  @negeen-dargahi

                          Please guide me to where this recording is! Thank You!

                          And, Is there a recording from yesterdays Mindset call. Unfortunately I missed it due to work.



                        • #19943

                          n d

                            @halle-eavelyn, can you help answer this for @filippa-reading, please?

                            I don’t see the dates on the mindsets so I’m not sure 🙂

                          • #20166

                            Kristen Mehr

                              Was this ever posted…I do not know where to find it…

                            • #20212

                              Donna Bistrican

                                I will watch the video, I had an appointment today and a closing could not be there. I will look for the video.

                              • #20231

                                Halle Eavelyn

                                  Great, @donna-bistrican!!

                                  I’m sorry for the DELAY – this is posted, it’s just not SHOWING UP in the module.  It WILL be in the Mindset call recordings and I will post HERE as soon as it’s up, ok??

                                  @matt-barcus  @tony-liddic

                                • #20323

                                  Jennifer Christenot

                                    Good Morning @halle-eavelyn,

                                    Looking for this recording as well as the real estate ebook?


                                    Thank you!

                                  • #20384

                                    Halle Eavelyn

                                      Hi, everybody!!! Thanks for your patience while we worked through the technical kinks.  The recording for the first EVER HECP Master Class is up!!


                                      And click on the Networking Master Class 8.15.2018

                                      Let us know what you think by adding your comment to this thread below or telling us on the live Q&A calls.  Also you can ask questions below if something was unclear or you need more help!

                                      Keep taking Massive ImperfeCT Action!!


                                      cc. @filippa-reading  @donna-bistrican @kristen-mehr @jennifer-christenot @bruce-graham @susan-patterson
                                      @kent-littlejohn  @matt-barcus  @tony-liddic @anthony-simonie  @negeen-dargahi @amanda-hendrickson  @alison-liddic @wilson-smith @kevin-hoover @anthony-hendrickson @cole-gordon @staci-ulrich  @jennifer-martin  @diane-hansen @andrew-smart-2

                                    • #20733

                                      filippa reading

                                        @halle-eavelyn  @kent-littlejohn  @negeen-dargahi @anthony-simonie


                                        I’m not sure if I do anything “wrong” in LinkedIn Navigator….I’ve been connecting with at least 20-30 people every day, and I haven’t received really any responses at all. I got a couple of Lenders who wants me to use them as a lender…They tell me what programs they have and that’s it. Maybe my “Center of Influence” is wrong…In the beginning I was picky and checked out the people, but then I said “screw this” and just started connecting and NOT thinking about a “perfect fit”…HOPING that would work….but nothing have changed…so far…Need advise! Please!


                                        • #20811

                                          n d

                                            Hi, @filippa-reading!

                                            PLEASE don’t post a new question in this thread – please start a NEW POST in the main level of the appropriate forum such as “4 QUESTIONS”.  Click SUPPORT FORUM on the left, then scroll until you get to your topic and put a post THERE instead.  We will get to it faster!!

                                            Thank you!!

                                        • #21365

                                          Sarah Graham

                                            Hi Halle  –   Are you going to do another one of these Realtor Forums.  So sorry to miss this one.  Was on Grand Cayman with my daughter.  Such a great trip. I did nothing but show up and be taken care of.  Love having a take-charge daughter.  Need to take lessons from her:)))  Sarah

                                            • #21401

                                              n d

                                                Hi @sarah-graham! I’m not sure if Halle will have another one of these but I highly recommend you check out the recording, I know it will be very helpful!

                                                HECP Mindset Coaching Call Recordings

                                                And click on the Networking Master Class 8.15.2018

                                            • #21716

                                              Sharon wu Wu

                                                Where should we post the questions for this video?



                                              • #21732

                                                Halle Eavelyn

                                                  Right here, @sharon-wu! Tag me in any questions, too!

                                                • #23433

                                                  Linda Ronck

                                                    Where do I find the Realtor call you did as well as other videos such as the one you suggested I watch “Some of that for me please”? @halle-eavelyn @negeen-dargahi

                                                    • #23458

                                                      n d

                                                        Hi, @linda-ronck! Great to have you back! All of those videos are in the Transformational Business Strategy module (bottom middle module on your MAIN DASHBOARD – turquoise with a bullseye) video index is to the right of the video window, in alphabetical order.


                                                    • #23723

                                                      Linda Ronck

                                                        Thank you

                                                      • #23729

                                                        Linda Ronck

                                                          I still can not find the Realtor?? call Halle did it was in August and said it would be the only time doing it. Can you please help me out? I did find the other video’s so thank you for that @negeen-dargahi

                                                          • #24118

                                                            n d

                                                              Hi @linda-ronck!

                                                              It is called “The Networking Master Class” in the Mindset Coaching call recordings module.

                                                              Hope this helps!


                                                          • #24079

                                                            Rosa Cardoso

                                                              I am not sure about what to use in the Keywords….

                                                              On my Linkedin…I am a realtor… please help me…

                                                              • #24131

                                                                n d

                                                                  Hi @rosa-cardoso, anything will do that is related to your field of business.

                                                                  If you are a realtor and you help buyers, you could use keywords related to that.

                                                                  Does that make sense? You can change this later down the line.

                                                              • #24529

                                                                Alessandra/Larry Williams Team

                                                                  @negeen-dargahi please see my informational video

                                                                  • #24541

                                                                    n d

                                                                      Hi @larry-williams – Alessandra please post in the correct forum – for you, it would be “LinkedIn – Infomercial Reviews and Feedback” and once you click on that forum topic, scroll to the very bottom and add your video in the text box, as a new post.

                                                                      Thank you 🙂

                                                                Viewing 23 reply threads

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