Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Announcements Realtor 4Q – Cooperate employees

16 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Sharon wu Wu 5 years, 11 months ago
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    • #21718

      Sharon wu Wu



        I started to message people in LinkedIn after connect with them with “Great to connect, Name! What’s your main focus this year?”

        No one responses yet, but I noticed that four of the messages lose the name (after sent out 13 today).  Does that mean I was “unfriend” by the contacts?

        One thing I am concerned is those connects are all working in the same company, what would happen if during the lunch time they found they all got the same message from the same person that no one really knows who that is…

        Any suggestion?

      • #21784

        n d

          Hi, @sharon-wu!

          Would you mind providing some stats for us?

          • how many Q1 are you sending out daily?
          • how many Q1 have you sent out?
          • how many connections have you added daily?

          We recommend you send up to 50 Q1 and connection requests daily for 2 weeks in order to get an accurate look to see how your questions are doing and the response rate.

          For your 2nd question, everyone is on LinkedIn for the same reason. I think it is unlikely that the clients of a company will all converse about your messages you sent out. So, don’t worry about that 🙂

          That’s the point of LI, connecting with new people (even if in the same company).

          Hope this helps. Keep moving forward!

        • #22323

          Halle Eavelyn

            @sharon-wu did you see this??

          • #22569

            Sharon wu Wu

              @halle-eavelyn yes but has some technical difficulties.

              1. I send out average 25 each day, got about 10 connect and do the q1 with all 10 connects and reply all the q 2 and after.  All those would take me about 2-3 hours in average.  The return on the investment of my time on these actions seems not very worth it.

              2. Some of them ask me why I ask the question 1, some of them don’t understand my question.  To deal with all those out of the box replies drives me crazy.  I hope that I can just have the standard answers like the robot  if they ask a than I answer b if they ask c than I can answer them d.

              3. Most people LinkedIn suggested for my connection are the Realtors.  How do I connect with Realtors to make them my clients?

              I can see my progress a little bit.  At least now I know how to start a conversation with “what’s your main focus?”  But still not getting how to make to the final designation.

            • #22578

              Halle Eavelyn

                Ok so not sure what would take 2-3 hours, @sharon-wu? To do what you outlined should be 15-20 min max. So either write what you do here so I can review it OR jump on one of the Q&A calls and walk us through your process.

                Realtors are a source of referrals for you but ignore LI suggestions unless you like them.

                Why does it drive you crazy? Just tell them you’re networking on LinkedIn and you were curious, so you can help them with your own network. People love that – Kent can give you some specific language on the Q&A call.

                Keep taking Massive ImperfeCT Action!

              • #22623

                Sharon wu Wu

                  @halle-eavelyn  That’s why I need to reach out for help.  I thought that should be 15-20 min max, but every day I spent 2-3 hours.   Something is wrong.  Is it the wrong audience I connected with, is it the way I response, is it the wrong questions that I asked… There’s even this guy the conversation over the call is ok, but he later send me whole bunch of pictures and than disappears after.   That trigger me going back from the beginning of the course what’s the point for each steps.  People don’t know what they don’t know.  Is there a way that I can send you or post couple of the conversations so maybe you can help me find out what I don’t know?   I also post it on Q&A and will be back after more action take.   Thanks.

                • #22850

                  Sharon wu Wu

                    @halle-eavelyn  @kent-littlejohn

                    I got the answer from Kent 9.13’s Q&A call.  Still need some help.

                    I agree that “Too much engagement back and forth may lose certain demographic of individuals”.  So if I cut it down to the following:

                    Q1: Name…quick question

                    Thanks for connecting on LinkedIn!

                    What’s your main focus this year?

                    Q2. Do you have any current investment in real estate?

                    Most of them said no,
                    If their Q2 answer is no,
                    Q3. If you or someone you know want to buy or sell the real estate in Southern Cal, do you have a real estate agent that you will recommend?

                    (I got this question from one of my prior coaching course, we suppose to ask 5 people that question every day.  It’s a lot easier for me to ask that question on LinkedIn, so I have no problem to ask 10 everyday, but would that sounds like stalking or creepy?)

                    If their Q2 answer is yes,
                    Q3. Are you happy with your ROE now?
                    Q4. Let’s chat.
                    What’s the good time for you to have a short 3-5 mins call today or tomorrow?


                  • #22920

                    n d

                      Hi @sharon-wu! Nice, okay few things:

                      Q1 is far too wordy. Let’s shorten it down to gain quicker responses. Try:

                      “Great to connect, [NAME]! What’s your core focus?”

                      Q2 is OKAY. But can be better. How about:
                      <p class=”p1″>2. Great. What do you like investing in?</p>
                      Q3 – same. How about:
                      <p class=”p1″>3. Perfect. Do you have any real estate and/or a business you’ve considered buying?</p>
                      Q4 is good as well but you could also try an outline like:
                      <p class=”p1″>4. Fantastic. If I could help you find some investment opportunities that make good sense, would you have interest?</p>

                      Sharon, asking your Q1 to more than 20-50 people is ideal. This is what Kent has spent over 10,000 hours perfecting – trust the process!

                    • #22922

                      n d

                        Hi @sharon-wu! Nice, okay few things:

                        Q1 is far too wordy. Let’s shorten it down to gain quicker responses. Try:

                        “Great to connect, [NAME]! What’s your core focus?”

                        Q2 is OKAY. But can be better. How about:

                        2. Great. What do you like investing in?

                        Q3 – same. How about:

                        3. Perfect. Do you have any real estate and/or a business you’ve considered buying?

                        Q4 is good as well but you could also try an outline like:

                        4. Fantastic. If I could help you find some investment opportunities that make good sense, would you have interest?

                        Sharon, asking your Q1 to more than 20-50 people is ideal. This is what Kent has spent over 10,000 hours perfecting – trust the process!

                      • #23017

                        Sharon wu Wu


                          I want to asking Q1 for more than 20-50 people, but I’ve encounter some technical difficulties ;).  If I have to spend 2-3 hours only be able to connect with 10-15 with Q1, imagine how much more time would I waste to connect to 20-50 if I don’t fix my process.

                          Your suggestion sounds a lot better.  Let me try again.  I’ll get back here for the result.


                        • #23177

                          Halle Eavelyn

                            @sharon-wu I’m guessing you are QUALIFYING people before you connect with them? By reviewing their profile? IF so, STOP THAT.  Your time is too valuable.  Wait until Q4 and THEN look at their profile before you get on the phone.  Is that what’s taking so long? If not, come to the call tomorrow and let’s walk through your process and figure out what the HECK is taking so long, ok??

                          • #23255

                            Sharon wu Wu

                              @halle-eavelyn Yes, I am guilty that I am QUALIFYING people before I connect because majority LinkedIn suggest me to connect are either realtors or college students who are friends of my daughters.  Realtors won’t buy from me, students doesn’t have the money to buy.  Should I just go ahead and connect anyone?

                              After I connect with couple employees from the hospital, LinkedIn started to throw me some people from health Insurance company.

                              What takes me more time is to handle the Q2 when they response back something that I feel odd if I just throw them with the Q2 that seems like just disregard to what they reply.

                              I did get on the call today but I didn’t have the chance to ask Jennifer.  It was a great session I don’t want to interrupt and I have another appointment after so I couldn’t wait till the end to ask.

                              Here is one of the example from a doctor I connect:

                              “I am expecting to find opportunities  as a Medical Director handling UM processes, and assisting Primary Care providers with difficult clinical decisions. I have 38years of experience during which I have been the President and CEO of single speciality group (Neurology) for approximately 18 years.  After that I moved to become a hospital service area Chief Operating Officer, and following that the CEO of that same entity.  I am now best tasked to handle the day to day issues of managed care though would be happy to turn my clock back and revisit my prior skill set. This is really my focus this year. Next year, not so far away I may become creative and join with others to create new ways of tackling Medical Problems. I have held patents in the past and will likely have them in the future.  Do you have any thing in mind Sharon?”

                              What would you reply for Q2 in that case?

                              And couple of them are students asked “Not sure What do you mean?”  Feel that I don’t want to waste my time, but I don’t want to be rude either…

                              Any suggestion?

                            • #23320

                              Halle Eavelyn

                                @sharon-wu this is GREAT!!! We addressed ALL this on the Q&A call today, Sept 20, at 40 min into the call.  CHECK IT OUT!!!


                              • #23371

                                Sharon wu Wu

                                  @halle-eavelyn I’ve gone over the call. I wasn’t aware that Doctor’s reply was a good signal to connect. I just feel very confused about what I should do with them (actually that’s the 2nd one, there’s an Engineer prior to the doctor taking a lot of time in the conversation back and forth.).  @kent-littlejohn‘s answer is very helpful.  I’ll go back review those sections, make adjustment and keep grinding.  Thanks!

                                • #26041

                                  Halle Eavelyn

                                    @sharon-wu, how’s it going now?

                                  • #26043

                                    Halle Eavelyn

                                      @sharon-wu, how’s it going now?

                                      • #26117

                                        Sharon wu Wu

                                          Fantastic!  Just keep on adding my connection into my LinkedIn network. I narrow it down a bit, but I think I need to narrow it more.  I’ll practice it “live” to the two days real estate event tomorrow.  Taking baby steps to practice my networking skills and focusing on making the webinar now.  In the meanwhile looking to connect the dots from converting the leads to the real deals.

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