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    • #49082

      Troy Seyfert


        1. Great to connect [Name], what is your core business?
        2. Interesting. Do you live in the [YOUR AREA]?
        3. How long have you been here?
        4. Great! Let’s chat for a few minutes, I have a fairly large network that might benefit you. Are you available tomorrow at 11, 1 or 3?
          4A. What is your mobile?

        Just going to use these.


        Question….so, I’m trying to reach out to professors in my area….I’m not seeing how this will benefit certain professions.  I guess I’m trying to see if they will think these questions are strange because they don’t see how it will benefit them?  Just asking here.  I’m also confused what I’m supposed to do when talking about my network with them….or is that for the future?

        Thanks. Whatever info you can give me would be helpful.  Or is the assumption that the people that need a house to sell will be the ones that react to my questions so I should take it as a sign that they might want to talk real estate with me?  Please let me know as I don’t want to start on these questions and not have any idea how to follow up effectively….thank you!

      • #49099

        n d

          Hi @troy-seyfert, your questions look GREAT to use! When you get into Module 2: Advanced Linkedin, you will be given tools in narrowing down your search. But in the meantime, you really want to be connecting and sending out messages to everyone, in order to get them on the phone with you. And from there, you can approach them with what you do and who you help!

          If are still a bit confused, you should come to the Live Call on Thursday for a deeper dive 🙂


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