1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by n d 4 years, 2 months ago
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  • Author
    • #44212

      Laurent Metzler


        Are you sick and tired of continually losing massive amounts of money in the stock market and tired of paying too much in income taxes? Do you have a long-term tax strategy or do you depend on your tax preparer for advice?

        My firm is uniquely positioned to show you a better way to maximize the returns on your investments without exposing you to catastrophic losses at a time in your life that you can least afford it? We have created a proprietary wealth management strategy designed exclusively for clients who seek maximum stock market returns with objectively defined bailouts. This strategy has enabled my clients to absorb minor market losses during extreme market volatility, but to avoid catastrophic market losses such as those experienced by most individuals during the 2008 – 2009 market meltdown.

        After spending over 40 years in the wealth management business, I have made it my goal to educate everyone with whom I interact and to help them to truly understand how radically the markets have changed in the last 20 years. For example:

        The traditional inverse relationship between the stock market and the fixed income market no longer exists.

        Projected sustainable retirement withdrawal rates have dropped from 5% to the 3% to 4% level.

        20-year rates of return are lower than you anticipate.

        By employing my firm’s investment strategies, I can help you to maximize your returns, minimize your investment risk, and create a tax-effective exit strategy for your IRAs and qualified plans, all with the overriding goal of protecting and preserving your life’s work.

        As a fiduciary, I am legally and ethically bound to always put your interests first. Your current wealth manager is probably not a fiduciary. Which type of wealth manager do you want to work with? One who must put you first or one who merely knows your circumstances.

        If you are ready for a change, call or message me.


      • #44240

        n d

          Hey @laurent-metzler! Thank you for sending your profile over for feedback – this will be my full feedback based on your profile on LinkedIn.

          Your current profile photo is quite blurry – perhaps because of the file size. Definitely make sure you send that over to Lindsey to resize and ask her to add a white background for you. This will really help it look upgraded and stand out.

          You also need a banner image. I’d also like you to email Lindsey, and tell her a little about your field of business and she can create something custom for you!



          Your headline (words under your name) currently says: President at Apogee Financial Services Group, Inc.

          This is the best piece of “real estate” on your profile so let’s really make it POP! Try filling in the template below. I put an example below it as well.

          Want ________ WITHOUT _______?☆EXPERT _____ Helping Clients _________☆☞ Message Me!

          Want Maximum PROFIT From Selling Your Home WITHOUT Stress?☆EXPERT _____ Helping Clients In [LOCATION]☆☞ Message Me!

          About section:

          I love that you’re starting off your sales letter with pain points questions! Instead of adding “or” in the middle of the two questions, why don’t you ask 3 short, sweet, and POWERFUL pain point questions.

          Are you wanting _____?

          NEED ______ but don’t know where to begin?

          Want _______?

          Then, say “If that sounds like you… I know EXACTLY how to help you!”

          While you have good information, you’re not really speaking to your reader. You’re more of educating and saying what you do. Instead, really talk to them by using YOU instead of I.

          Kent does a great job of this –> https://www.linkedin.com/in/klittlejohn/

          You’re welcome to use Kent’s version as an outline that you can use to fill in with your own information. It’s the template we use in the program.

          Look how he details HOW they help their clients, WHO they work with, etc.

          You need to tell them:

          what you do, how you help them, who you work with, why they should work with you

          I don’t love this paragraph – are you required to have this??

          As a fiduciary, I am legally and ethically bound to always put your interests first. Your current wealth manager is probably not a fiduciary. Which type of wealth manager do you want to work with? One who must put you first or one who merely knows your circumstances.

          CALL TO ACTION – you need a better one:

          If you’re READY for _______ message me here on LinkedIn to see if we’re a good fit!

          Please tag me after you make the necessary revisions!

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