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Tagged: LinkedIn

March 19, 2020 at 5:49 pm #43592
@negeen-dargahi @kent-littlejohn
I just updated my LinkedIn profile using your protocol and ideas.
Could I please get your feedback.
Anxious to take the next step!!!Thank you
Andrew -
March 19, 2020 at 8:22 pm #43595
Hi @andrew-szabo and Michael! First off, great work on taking awesome action on your profile! My comments are below:
Your current profile photo is really dark and hard to see… it is also low quality. Please find a photo of you looking at the camera smiling with better quality. I would recommend having someone take a photo of you on a nice camera or on an iPhone. If you email it to our graphic designer, Lindsey, ask her to add a white background for you!
I don’t like your background photo very much. We can get the same message across but with a professional touch to it. I’d also like you to email Lindsey, and tell her a little about your field of business and she can create something better!
With your headline being in all caps, it was really hard to read. Additionally, I had a difficult time understanding (immediately) what you do for your clients. Try filling out this template below:
Want ______ WITHOUT ________?☆EXPERT _____ Helping Clients _______☆☞ Message Me!
About section:
Okay – GREAT content! I’m going to give some feedback in regards to rearranging some pieces. If my feedback in this regard seems confusing, please let me know 🙂
The intro can be less chaotic with all caps – I’ve revised it below:
✔ Do you want to INCREASE positive word of mouth about your business, ACCELERATE loyalty, and DISTINGUISH yourself from competitors?
✔ Do you want to LOWER cost and BOOST profitability?
✔ Are you a new CEO or a Customer Experience Professional?If so, we offer you a proven solution!
(add parts that actually explain what you do and how you help your clients)
Lastly, shorten your testimonial to a few short sentences (it’s rather chunky) AND THEN right below it, add your call to action! Right now, it’s a call to action and then the testimonial.
Excellent work you two! Don’t forget to effortlessly lead them 🙂
March 20, 2020 at 12:47 pm #43596
@negeen-dargahi @kent-littlejohn
I just re-updated my LinkedIn profile using your aforementioned recommendations.
Changed the photo of me speaking to a higher resolution.
Since a lot of what we do is speaking / webinars / training doesn’t it make sense to have a photo of me speaking — there’s even a slide in the background?I’m open to redesigning the header .. it was a graphic adapted from the the front cover of the book. I’ve attached the book cover so you can see the original and sending it to Lindsey as well.
Let me know your thoughts!
Thank you
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March 21, 2020 at 12:59 pm #43598
Hey @andrew-szabo – nice work taking that quick action!
I love the photo of you speaking, but the reason I wanted to change it was because of the low quality. If you’re set on keeping it regardless, please zoom in so we can see your face clearly. In the future, consider a higher quality image!
Your headline is looking SO much better!! Instead of “We wrote the book!” try “PROVEN solutions!” I say this because not many people have the time to want to read a book about it – they are wanting quick results (note: I say this for the headline attention grabber).
Your about section looks REALLY good – in the back of your head just remember that the simpler you explain something, the better it will be received 🙂
Great work!
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