Dashboard Forums High End Client Program LinkedIn – Profile Reviews & Questions Please review my LinkedIn profile

6 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Ken Deshaies 5 years, 7 months ago
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  • Author
    • #31407

      Ken Deshaies

        Hi, Negeen,

        I have modified my Linkedin page as instructed. Please review – https://www.linkedin.com/in/kentheauthor/. I do have couple of questions/comments.

        First, I am in communication with Lindsey to change the background and improve my photo.

        Second, while I did follow the instructions in the video, the Accelerator asked me to “Set the Scene” and “Gather Your Raw Content”. I could not understand where to put that in my profile.

        I did change the headline and summary. I also noted that I am already an Allstar. That was pleasing.

        Finally, I assume future lessons will help me understand better how to find and utilize contacts in groups.

        Thanks for your help.

        Ken Deshaies

      • #31485

        n d

          Hi @ken-deshaies! Nice job taking action. Below are my answers and feedback:

          • great job emailing Lindsey, she’s going to really help transform your profile
          • your raw content is basically the meat and potatoes of your sales letter – it is the information you want to add but I will provide feedback below on your summary and that should help when you are re-writing
          • correct, the future videos in the Advanced LinkedIn Module should help, if not, feel free to hop on the live call and ask Matt Barcus, our LinkedIn guru 😉

          Feedback — 

          First and foremost, with your niche being very specific and it being politically driven, is this a business driving situation for you?

          Do you find that people are specifically contacting you because you don’t work with Trump supporters?

          If not, I would also consider saying something like “BTW, I’m a progressive left-winger.”

          Does that make sense?

          I want to make sure that you are getting a good amount of leads and if you can briefly mention your stance that would be beneficial.

          When you connect with people on LinkedIn, 9/10 you’re not going to know their stance. Now, if you find that helping other Democrats is what has been helping you and will continue to drive your sales, keep it… but I’d want to fine tune it.

          Please let me know your thoughts. After which, I’d be happy to provide you with feedback on your profile based on which direction you’d like to go in.

          Thank you 🙂

        • #31607

          Ken Deshaies

            Hi, Negeen,

            This happened on my orientation call with Jennifer Davis, where she explained that I needed to narrow my niche and asked me to try to describe the person I most wanted to work with. We went through a variety of criteria like certain professionals, categories like empty nesters or move-ups, investors, income needs, etc. I finally said, “You know who I have most enjoyed working with in the past? It’s liberals, progressives, Democrats.” She was delighted and asked how many in the population that would represent. I said about a third. In Colorado, we have a bit over a third Dems, a third Independents and somewhat less than a third Republicans. And Independents are voting majorly for Democrats. She said that was a perfect niche and I should run with that.
            26 years in the business, and I have found that, when showing properties, Dems rarely talk politics, Republicans almost always do, and I always try to bite my tongue. In fact, the only people I have fired I the past (told them I could no longer work with them) because they presented too many problems and unreasonable demands were very vocal Republicans.
            On the other hand, Dems will eventually confess their leaning after a couple of days working with them when they say they got hints of where I was based on how I spoke of people, opportunities, etc. And most of them have become great friends.
            So, based on your question, I am guessing I won’t know until I try it. During the past ten years, I have only worked with friends, family, past clients and referrals, so it has been pretty safe. But at my age, I find I am much less tolerant of people who are clearly on the right. I do have friends, though, who are Republicans, and we do communicate – just not about politics or religion.
            So, do you still think my message is too off-putting? Or might I run with it? <br class=”” />

          • #31748

            n d

              Hi @ken-deshaies! I’m really happy to hear that you know WHO you want to work with.

              I think you should mention it briefly in your profile, but I wouldn’t let that be the core focus of your profile.

              For instance, there could be a section in your profile that states:

              WHO I WORK WITH:

              I work with _____________ <— (here you can express your interest in Democrats looking to buy a home, etc.)

              Your other option is to run with it for at least 2 weeks and see what the response rate is when you start using your 4 questions.

              Take a look at these profiles below and copy their format and just add your own information to it (this should make the profile process really easy for you).


              Once you’re done, tag me and provide a link to your profile so I can take a look 🙂

              Your profile will continue to evolve, so keep that in mind!

            • #32044

              Ken Deshaies

                Hi, Negeen,

                So, I have modified my profile (softened the message). You can see it here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kentheauthor/.

                I am curious, though, about the two links you provided. In both cases, it did not seem that they narrowed their niche at all. Just a bit different wording for “I work with anyone who wants to buy or sell a home.” My coaching from Jennifer was to narrow, that that would make my profile stand out, that I should be willing to not appeal to people who really did not fit. For example, I have, over the years, spent a lot of time with first time homebuyers. While I have found that work both difficult and rewarding, and I would not turn it down, it is not the business I am seeking. So, wonder what I am missing there.

                Finally, I am trying to figure out how to include the images of the two books I have authored, so that I have the additional credibility of being an author for my targeted audience. They were included in my former banner. I think I will email Lindsey on this.

                Have a great weekend!

              • #32091

                n d

                  Hi @ken-deshaies! Good points – my examples were more of the format that I’d like you to follow since you are more focused. Hope that helps 🙂

                  I also emailed you back in regards to your files – keep in mind that Lindsey can always create any graphics you need for ebooks + background images, etc.

                • #32851

                  Ken Deshaies

                    Hi, Negeen,

                    I have slightly modified my profile and wondered if you would mind taking a look. I added artists to the list of who I wanted to work with. Then I added the following sentence:

                    I am a dream-maker. I live to help my clients move from the life they live to the life they dream about.

                    =====================  Here is the full text:

                    What I do in 10 words. I help progressive and liberal professionals find their next home.
                    Essentially, I remove the pain of working with nationalists and the far right leaning.

                    And I provide SERVICE AT THE SPEED OF LIFE. I understand that not everyone is in a hurry to make their next purchase. Every circumstance is different, whether you need to first sell a property, or arrange financing, or you are first exploring properties to determine where you want to live. So, I take the pressure off and work on your schedule

                    I love helping Democrats, liberals and progressives make one of the most significant decisions of their life.

                    I work with professionals: artists, architects, environmental scientists and engineers, sustainability experts, attorneys, developers of renewable energy and investors.

                    One client told me: “I can’t think of a more knowledgeable, friendly, professional and left-oriented person who I’d rather spend time with!”

                    That made my heart sing!

                    Another said: “As an attorney, I will tell anyone that being represented by a buyer’s agent is the only way to go. As a business owner, I appreciate the fact that you made sure that all the time we spent together was productive.”

                    Your time is valuable. I have tools available to insure that it is productive. And – we don’t have to talk politics during our search, but doesn’t it feel more comfortable knowing you can?

                    I am a dream-maker. I live to help my clients move from the life they live to the life they dream about.

                    The Kindle edition of my book “How to Make Your REALTOR Get You the Best Deal” is available here – https://tinyurl.com/yauf56dk.

                    If this message resonates with you, we should work together. Shoot me a message and let’s chat!


                    Thank you, Ken

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