1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by n d 5 years, 4 months ago
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  • Author
    • #35408

      Mark Fulcher
        I am having a difficult time getting the right format into my linked in account to get new connections for my area
        Matts video on reaching out for connections is completely different arrangement than i have on my linked-in it must be an older video done when the format  for getting connections was different. Would like to ask for some help. I am stuck here and want to take action with reaching out to connections locally to start this up. Please help Thank you,
      • #35410

        n d

          Hi @mark-fulcher, i’d love to help!

          So, unfortunately, LinkedIn is continuously changing their format on us – but what Matt talks about is still doable.

          I’m not very clear on what you’re needing assistance with. Would you be able to bring this to the live call on Thursday or right now on the call to get assistance from Matt??


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