Dashboard Forums High End Client Program LinkedIn – General Questions need help answering a question from a connection on LinkedIn

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by n d 2 years, 3 months ago
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    • #49427

      Jennifer Durrett

        Hi!  So I have made contact with a connection on LinkedIn.  He has asked me how I feel the network could benefit him…  Not sure how to respond to that.  I don’t want to go off script or off track.  What would you suggest I say back in order to get his mobile number to make a call?  And I really don’t know how our connection could help him since he is in a field I am not familiar with at all.  Please help

      • #49429

        n d

          Hi @jennifer-durrett! Definitely can help – so often times this will happen and Halle has a great video in the Transformational Businsess strategy module called the Benevolent Alpha and essentially its about taking control.

          You could say something like:

          “Absolutely, let’s connect today at 2pm and i’d love to share with you the benefits. What is your cell?”


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