1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by n d 5 years, 11 months ago
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  • Author
    • #24862

      Carol Linden

        Ok, I was going to do the 4 questions, but then I listened to the 2nd video about the 2 guys who sell financial services. The strategy was just to get them on the phone, so here’s how I’m going to try to use the 2-question approach. (I guess it’s really question 1 and then 3 and 4 rolled into 1.

        1st LinkedIn message:

        Thanks for connecting.

        What’s your core business?

        2nd LinkedIn message:

        Ah, makes sense.
        I really like some things I see in your profile.
        Would you be wiling to get on the phone for 5 minutes to see if there’s a fit?

        What’s a good time for you?


        I sell both products and services. I sell professional development courses in video format, as live online events, and peer group teaching/coaching events. My first year (in this new business line) I’m selling to professional Millennials, probably managers at first. The second year, I’ll move into selling the video training paired with onsite personalized services from me to organizations, for their new managers or High Potentials.

      • #24890

        n d

          Hi @carol-linden! I think you should split test both ways. One way is just making it 2 questions as you have above and the second way should be the general 4 questions process.

          When you ask Q1, saying “Thanks for connecting” is quite long. Try to personalize it and shorten it with:

          “Great to connect, [NAME]! What’s your core business?”

          Instead of “Ah, makes sense” – how about:

          “That’s great! Let’s chat for a few minutes. I have a fairly big network that may benefit you.

          Q4: What are a few time windows that you have tomorrow?

          2pm works perfect

          Q5: What’s your mobile?”

          Great work 🙂


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