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12 replies, 4 voices Last updated by Sammy Tovar 5 years, 8 months ago
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  • Author
    • #17223

      Lupe Lloyd

        I just finished all of Unit 4 and started Unit 5.  Do you need to meet with me?


      • #17249

        n d

          Hi @lupe-lloyd, I’m not sure what you’re asking. What do you mean by unit 4 & 5? Please specify.


        • #17255

          Lupe Lloyd

            I thought you said we had to schedule a call after Module 4.  I’m now in module 5.



          • #17274

            n d

              Hi @lupe-lloyd!

              Thanks for clarifying.

              I reach out to the team and they looked into your account progress and noticed you’re actually in Lesson 4 of Module 1.

              Not Module 4.

              When you complete Module 4 – that is when you will get an email invitation to the midterm call.

              I hope this has cleared up any confusion 🙂



            • #17388

              Lupe Lloyd

                Hi Negeen,

                I was in a long meeting this morning and could not call in.  These are some questions I had for you for assistance.

                1. How do I set up groups or import contacts from groups such as professional associations, like the National Association for Bilingual Education?
                2. I am clicking and connecting with many people, but they are not the type of clients and decision makers I normally do business with.  How can I better target my contact list?
                3. How do I import my current contact list on Gmail?

                I feel confident in the contacts I’ve been able to do with the 4 questions, but I need to work with the right clients.

                Please let me know how to proceed on this.  I hope I don’t have to wait till Wednesday for this.

                Thank you,


                P.S.  I hope you got my email regarding my background photo from Linsey.

              • #17400

                n d

                  Hi @lupe-lloyd, below are my answers to your questions.

                  1. Are you trying to be in the group on LinkedIn? If so, type in the name in the search bar and make sure you filter your search by ‘groups’ — if you want to add contacts from a specific group in LinkedIn, you must already be in the group to access the group members and add them. If you are still confused, I recommend you come to the live Q&A call and have Matt show you or explain to your in depth.
                  2. We recommend you connect with everyone and anyone, even if they are your competitors or not in your field of business. When you connect with them, you get THEIR connections. Also, you never know if they have friends/family to refer you to. Reach out to everyone!
                  3. This link will walk you through that –> https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/1278/syncing-contacts-from-other-address-books-and-sources?lang=en

                  In response to your email, I love the background photo Lindsey made! Here’s how to upload it on to your LinkedIn page:

                  Click “Profile” from the top menu bar, and select “Edit Profile”.
                  Now click the “Edit background”
                  Hit “Upload” button. Upload your header and drag the image to reposition.
                  Hit “Save” once done!


                • #17792

                  Lupe Lloyd

                    Did you see the revised background I sent you by email?  The one with a description under my name.


                  • #17838

                    Lupe Lloyd

                      Hi Negeen, I was finally able to plug in my background photo.  Please let me know what you think,

                      especially the hand and the statement under my name.




                    • #17859

                      Lupe Lloyd

                        Hi Negeen,

                        I went back to look at the Benefits I & II video Hallie made and I came up with this for my background.

                        I’m trying to get away from using I. :



                        What do you think?


                      • #18236

                        Halle Eavelyn

                          @lupe-lloyd, I like them both – YES, this new version is stronger FOR SURE!!! GREAT JOB!!! Send it to Lindsey@coredm.com for the update!!

                        • #18647

                          Lupe Lloyd

                            Hi Negeen,

                            After much time, sweat, and tears, I was finally able to upload my 30 second Infomercial.

                            I not only got it on YouTube, but I now have a Channel and it is on my Linkedin.  I still

                            haven’t figured out how to open it on LI.  However, I already got several views with good remarks.

                            Now I just need to know how to change the video.  Also, some of the people I have connected with are running

                            ads on my page.  Is that normal.  It’s very overwhelming and it detracts from my site information.  Where do these

                            people get these videos and ads?



                          • #18704

                            n d

                              Hi @lupe-lloyd, congrats on uploading your video onto youtube!

                              I didn’t actually see your video on your LinkedIn page – if you come to the orientation call on Wednesday, I’ll walk you through adding it. If you’d like me to write out the steps below, please let me know and I’d be happy to do so.

                              Also, as far as the ads, I’m really not sure. @matt-barcus, do you know the answer to Lupe’s question about ads?



                              • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by n d.
                            • #30614

                              Sammy Tovar

                                @halle-eavelyn  Hi Halle, I got the invitation for MidTerm Call for Tomm, however it said zoom could not generate a link, which call in number of yours should we use? Cheers, Sammy

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