4 replies, 2 voices Last updated by n d 2 years, 9 months ago
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  • Author
    • #48105

      Deborah Laemmerhirt

        Good morning,

        On Thursday, I put the link to my Linked-in Profile (draft) in my account and reached out to support.

        Was I supposed to post it here?  If so… here is the link.  https://www.linkedin.com/in/yourhomegroup/

        I appreciate your input.

        Thank you,

        Debouah Laemmerhirt

        Deborah Laemmerhirt

      • #48125

        n d

          Hi there @deborah-laemmerhirt – absolutely fantastic job on your background image, profile photo, and headline!

          Your About section is good but I want you to speak a bit more directly to your readers.

          You have good information but look how this client leads their readers through what they do, who they help, and why they should work with them. It’s less “I” and more “you”.

          Also, remove “please text” from the bottom of your call to action. We want you to remain in control 😉

          Pro tip: go to Kent’s profile, copy his About section, and ADD your own information to it. His outline is what we teach in the program! This should really help you with removing those bullet points at the end and focusing on a powerful sales letter.


          Here is what we look for in a profile:


          GOOD call to action! Remove all of the caps.

          Please tag me after you make the necessary revisions! 🙂


        • #48130

          Deborah Laemmerhirt

            Hello @negeen-dargahi

            Please take another look…not sure if I pared it down too much.



            I look forward to hearing from you.


          • #48138

            Deborah Laemmerhirt

              Hello @negeen-dargahi

              Could you please let me know when you’ll be able to respond back to me about the re-do of my profile?

              I’m at a standstill with the course because I feel uncomfortable about starting the messaging, doing the infomercial, etc, without having the correct profile available.


              Thank you for your attention to this matter.

              Deborah Laemmerhirt

            • #48144

              n d

                Hi @deborah-laemmerhirt, your banner image and profile image look great. Your new banner image immediately grabbed my attention and does a nice job of reflecting your field of work to your network. Nice!

                Yes, great headline as well! Very clean.

                Okay, what you have written in your About section is good but because this is a sales letter, I feel that you could really take advantage of the space you have to share more content.

                When you are sharing information like:

                “You get individualized service with a unique proven marketing plan.”

                You can add more content to your sales letter by fluffing it up with more information such as:

                When clients like YOU work with me, I make sure you get individualized service with a unique proven marketing plan.

                This means that only QUALIFIED buyers are coming to your home.

                ^ do you see how I led you through that in a bit more detail? That’s what I’d like more of in your profile.

                Because, you have the content, I just need to see a bit more information.

                Also, if you have any testimonials, I would recommend adding 1-3 right before your call to action.

                Kent does this in his LinkedIn profile.

                I don’t like this sentence:

                “Do you deserve exquisite real estate service?”

                I feel as though adding “deserve” isn’t the right word to use when wanting to bring in a client.

                How about this as your call to action:

                Are you ready to have qualified buyers and HIGH profit from selling your home? If so, message me here on LinkedIn to see if we’re a good fit!

                Once you make these changes, you are good to move forward.

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