7 replies, 3 voices Last updated by n d 4 years, 10 months ago
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  • Author
    • #36248

      Trevor Howat


        Halle has recommended I send out 100 connections a day. LinkedIn is capping me at 78 requests per day. Is this something new?  Any way around this?


      • #36250

        n d

          Hi @trevor-howat, hmm… have you been connecting with individuals that are not in your 1st connection? AKA are you connecting with people in your 2nd and 3rd connections?

          If so, that could be what is limiting you! Let me know!

        • #36253

          Trevor Howat

            I’m setting the search parameters for 1st and 2nd connections and after doing my boolean search to get to my target audience, I just click to connect with everyone that shows up. Every time I get to 78 it says I’m out of requests for the day.

          • #36262

            n d

              @trevor-howat – hmm, I would ask @matt-barcus, he would probably know!

              Try shooting an email at matt@coredm.com!

            • #36263

              Matt test

                @trevor-howat @trevor-howat @negeen-dargahi

                Well that’s a new one Trevor! Can you let me know what version of LinkedIn you are using (free, Premium or Sales Navigator)? Just post the version so I know for sure and I’ll look into it!

              • #36351

                Trevor Howat


                  Hi Matt. Were you ever able to find anything out about this?  I’m still being capped at 78 adds per day.


                • #36354

                  n d

                    Hi @trevor-howat!! In the meantime, have you submitted a ticket through LinkedIn to see if they can also look into this for you?? I would recommend that – they probably have more insight than we do.

                    Let us know what you find out!

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