5 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Tony Liddic 6 years, 3 months ago
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  • Author
    • #12433

      Roger Keeton



        HECP It’s me again ! howdy do?


        I am currently working on my linked in summary  and I would like to know is there a rough draft or an example of a writing that could be provided for me? I want to get and Idea of how to write a summary . Once I have a visual then I can have an platform to help me get started ?


      • #12448

        n d

          Hi @roger-keeton!!


          I’ve provided an outline below and examples to help. It’s okay if the examples are different from your current business, use it as inspiration:

          Headline (words under your name) — this needs work and I’d like to you fill this out and add it to that location:
          Want _______ WITHOUT _______? ☆EXPERT _____ Helping Clients _____☆☞MSG Me!

          (examples below)

          Outline of summary you can follow and fill in:

          Your first 2 sentences of your summary are the MOST important. How about you list 3 questions your clients struggle with. What are their pain points? “Tired of _____” “Want _______ but CANT?” “Are you ______?”

          THEN, after you list pain points, say HOW you can help them and WHAT exactly you do to help them achieve that.
          2 sentences how are you different than your competitors

          Who you like to work with

          Then add a call to action with your contact info:

          If you’re wanting _______ then give me a call TODAY at _______to see if we’re a good fit!


        • #13715

          Roger Keeton

            @negeen-dargahi      concern. I have experienced lots of times when I am actively in my dashboard taking courses and lets say I need to log out for a moment and log back in  It’ will show the progress I’ve already completed in the meter as %0  then I have to hit mindset and momentum for it to reset as show my course progress at %50 percent  exactly why does it do that ?  Also even when I am logged off for a few days it does it too !am I the only 1 who experiences that ?? please give me some feedback on this

            • #13789

              n d

                Hi @roger-keeton – does it save your progress? Hm, @tony-liddic, is there something that Roger is doing that is making it go back to 0% or is it the logging out?



            • #14742

              Roger Keeton

                @tony-liddic  me and @negeen-dargahi are still waiting on a response . Thanks

              • #14763

                Tony Liddic

                  @roger-keeton sorry for the delay. I thojust got I had replied already but it was someone else with a similar question.

                  The progress tracking can be a bit confusing.

                  The overall progress percentage shown on the HECP logo will only increase when Modules are fully completed.

                  The Module progress tracking on each individual module will increase as lesson objectives are completed.

                  To get a complete picture of your progress, click the button in the right sidebar labeled “View Full Progress” – http://app.hecp.com/hecp-progress/

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