5 replies, 2 voices Last updated by n d 3 years, 4 months ago
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  • Author
    • #46534

      Kathy Barnett

        As instructed in my tutorial, I would like  a review and advice on my revised linked in profile. It’s completely different than I would ever have imagined before taking this High End Client Program… Thank you for your help in advance.


      • #46539

        n d

          @kathy-barnett, great to have you in the program with us! This may be a hefty post so please let me know if it causes any confusion for you.

          First, you added your LinkedIn profile URL into your NAME here on High End Client. Please remove it so I can see your name correctly on this platform.

          • click on your photo on this website and click on settings and remove the LinkedIn URL

          Profile Feedback

          Good work taking action!!

          Profile Photo: you look good but I want you to have a higher quality photo of you looking at the camera. It’s a bit impersonal with your eyes looking off into the distance but great smile. Please add another photo 🙂

          Banner Image: I don’t like what you currently have. Fear not, we have an amazing graphic designer, Lindsey, that will create a CUSTOM banner image. Email her, tell her your field of work, and she will create something better.

          Email Lindsey — Lindsey@coredm.com

          Headline (words under name):

          Right now, your headline was quite confusing. I had no idea what your field of work was in. Let’s really make it POP! Think back on your Perfect Client exercise* How about filling out this template:

          Want _______ WITHOUT _______? ☆EXPERT _____ Helping Clients _____☆☞Message Me!

          About Section:

          Again, I need to know IMMEDIATELY what your field of work is in. Because this is a sales letter it’s going to be less story of your HOW i got started and more HERES WHY YOU NEED TO WORK WITH ME.

          When someone clicks to view your profile, the first 2 sentences of your profile About/summary section are available for them until they have to click “see more”. That means, your first 2 sentences are very important.

          How about you start off asking 3 pain point questions.

          Lead into WHO you work with, what you do, and how you help your clients.

          Also, you HAVE some good content, but it needs organization.

          Pro tip: go to Kent’s profile, copy his About section, and ADD your own information to it. His outline is what we teach in the program! This should really help you with removing those bullet points at the end and focusing on a powerful sales letter.


          Good call to action 🙂

          Here is another one:

          If you’re ready for _______ then give me a call TODAY at _______ or message me here on LinkedIn to see if we’re a good fit!

          Please tag me after you make the necessary revisions! 🙂

        • #46544

          Kathy Barnett

            I updated my Linked-In file to fit your suggestions. Ready to review once again and see if I’m any closer.

          • #46546

            n d

              Hi @kathy-barnett, thank you for implementing the changes to your profile. I have a few little tweaks I’d like you to make.

              I love your new profile photo! So much better 🙂

              Did you email Linsey about the banner image? What you have is OK but it’s not great. Please take advantage of our graphic designer. You can see what she creates and if you like it, use it.

              Your headline is still very wordy.

              Want To ATTRACT More Clients To Your Business WITHOUT Exceeding Your Marketing Budget? ☆EXPERT Marketing Editor Helping Clients Find YOU☆☞Message Me!

              ^ something like that is more attention-grabbing.

              Your about section looks good!!

            • #46567

              Kathy Barnett


                Yes, I did email Linsey. Have not yet heard from her. sent what I did plus the older banner with my logo. Any ideas on what YOU want to see in the banner?


                Here is my problem with the headline…

                Want To ATTRACT More Clients  (So My perfect client – CVB Marketing Directors – don’t want a customer to buy something from their organization. They are paid to share the destination they represent to entice travelers to come and visit) To Your Business (They are really a service organization sharing information WITHOUT actually selling anything but the enticement to come and visit) Exceeding Your Marketing Budget? ☆EXPERT Marketing (my title is managing editor. I tell stories I can be a consultant and help them spend their advertising budget. But I don’t want to describe myself as a marketing sales person) Editor Helping Clients (Not clients. They are potential visitors. If we tell them they will come. Then they will buy from other businesses that CVBs represent) Find YOU☆☞Message Me! (What are they going to message me for? Ask for help? To buy something? If we can talk, I will be able to demonstrate how I can help them. So many others are using this statement and it gets confusing for me. Like, which one do I message? This one or that one. )

                I’m just trying to explain more what I want from Linked In. Maybe I’m wrong or should find another type of client. It’s the CVBs that have supported my magazine successfully in the past.

              • #46573

                n d

                  Hi @kathy-barnett, it typically takes Linsey up to 72 hours for a reply. Please confirm you emailed the correct address:


                  I’d like to see the banner split with an image related to travel and marketing, which Lindsey, based on the job description you provided her, will be able to create that.


                  Okay, could you rework and reword based on what terminology you’re comfortable using?

                  The “message me” part is because you are going to be communicating with these individuals mainly through LinkedIn using our Trojan Horse questions (Module 1) and THEN you will get them on the phone to later qualify. So, it’s very important to have a call to action like “Message me!” in your headline.

                  Does that help answer your questions? 🙂


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