2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by n d 5 years, 6 months ago
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  • Author
    • #34382


        Link to my profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josephflahiff/

        Attached is an image with my background image, my profile picture, and my header.

        Now I am unclear. Do you want the info from the profile accelerator, so you know things like my target market and such.  Just in case I will add it as a comment below.

        <hr />


        <hr />

        “I help ethical entrepreneurs, like you, get out of overwhelm and into flow”

        You have worked your tail off and your business has grown.

        Now you are working 70 hours a week, trying to keep all the plates spinning.

        You are doing stuff that you hate, but it needs to get done to keep the business afloat.

        Running from fire to fire. You want to, NEED to scale but you are, “too busy.”

        Is this why you started your business?
        ▶To do stuff you hate to do?
        ▶To be stressed out?
        ▶To be working long hours?

        The rules of the game change as your business grows.

        What enabled you to grow to where you are, is exactly what is stopping you from moving on.

        I help entrepreneurs like you breakthrough to the next level of success and put that stuff on autopilot so you can take back more of your time.

        So you can scale, so you can work where you want, when you want, how you want, and with whom you want!

        I help people like you:
        👉 Find the clarity you need
        👉 Have the confidence to achieve
        👉 Put in place the systems and tools you need to succeed

        Book a slot on my calendar while you can.

        _____watch the testimonial videos at the bottom of this section to hear what clients say_____

        📘 12 years running my own solo consulting business
        📘 25+ years experience leading, training, coaching leaders at all levels
        📘 My clients have seen up to 1200% improvement in speed to market (ask for the case study)
        📘 Author of 2 books: The NEW Agile Manager and Being AGILE in a Waterfall World

        👉 https://www.facebook.com/RealJosephFlahiff
        👉 https://www.Josephflahiff.com
        👉 https://www.facebook.com/groups/leadership21/


      • #34385

          LinkedIn Profile URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josephflahiff/
          LinkedIn Industry – 1: Computer Software
          LinkedIn Industry – 2: Professional training / Consulting
          LinkedIn Industry – 3: Venture Capital/ Private Equity (maybe)
          Keyword – 1: Entrepreneur
          Keyword – 2: Start-up
          Keyword – 3: Founder
          Write Headline(s) Here: 1) I help entrepreneurs out of overwhelm and into flow

          2) Want to spend more time on the things you love without all the hassle that goes with running a business?

          3) Want to get out of the overwhelm of running your business and into the flow of the work you love? Message me now.

          4) Need a break from all the minutia that comes with running a business? Message to ask about my FREE Webinar “From Overwhelm to Flow”

          Step 1: Set the scene: * Who do you want to reach with your summary?
          Entrepreneurs who are growing fast and need help by systemizing and learning how to lead people* Who is your perfect audience? Describe that person… (interests, hobbies, family, etc.)
          isn’t this the avatar worksheet? ✅
          Robert, Male 37 years old growing a startup. Has about 12 to 50 employees. Is unsure of his leadership ability (well he may not be aware of this actually).Is overwhelmed by everything that has to be kept track of.

          Lives here in Seattle and makes between $110 and $132K (in his previous work).

          Enjoys the outdoors. Has a wife and 2 kids. But doesn’t get to spend much time outdoors or with his family because of the 70 hour weeks he puts in.

          *What do you want them to learn or do?

          I want them to hire me to help them (done with you) systemize their processes and lead their people.

          *How do you want them to feel?
          I want them to feel freed up from the minutia. I want them to have hope again, and joy in their work.

          Step 2: Gather Your Raw Content: I help ethical entrepreneurs, like you, get out of overwhelm and into flowYou have worked your tail off and your business has grown, but now you are working 70 hours a week, trying to keep all the plates spinning. You are doing stuff that you hate, but it needs to get done to keep the business afloat.

          Is that why you started your business? To do stuff you hate to do?

          I help entrepreneurs like you put that stuff on autopilot so you can take back more of your time.

          The rules of the game change as your business grows.

          When you started out you probably needed to hold the reins and do everything. But now what enabled you to grow to where you are, is exactly what is stopping you from moving on.

          The SYSTEMS you need, your LEADERSHIP approach need to change

          I help people like you:
          * Find the clarity you need
          * Have the confidence to achieve
          * Put in place the systems and tools you need to succeed

          Book a slot on my calendar while you can.

          _____watch the testimonial videos at the bottom of this section to hear what clients say_____

          MY STORY AND WHY ME:
          * 12 years running my own solo consulting business
          * 25+ years experience leading, training, coaching leaders at all levels
          * My clients have seen up to 1200% improvement in speed to market (ask for the case study)
          * Author of 2 books: The NEW Agile Manager and Being AGILE in a Waterfall World

          * 1:1 Coaching: I work with successful leaders to help them become the BEST leaders they can be
          * Group Coaching: I work with small groups of people to achieve optimized results at an achievable price point
          * Training: Integrated training and coaching programs (I don’t sell training alone, it is a disservice to you)
          * Keynote Speaker (see topics below)

          Step 3: Putting It All Together & Write Your LinkedIn Summary: WHAT I DO IN 13 WORDS OR LESS”I help ethical entrepreneurs, like you, get out of overwhelm and into flow”

          You have worked your tail off and your business has grown.

          Now you are working 70 hours a week, trying to keep all the plates spinning.

          You are doing stuff that you hate, but it needs to get done to keep the business afloat.

          Running from fire to fire. You want to, NEED to scale but you are, “too busy.”

          Is this why you started your business?
          >To do stuff you hate to do?
          >To be stressed out?
          >To be working long hours?

          The rules of the game change as your business grows.

          What enabled you to grow to where you are, is exactly what is stopping you from moving on.

          I help entrepreneurs like you breakthrough to the next level of success and put that stuff on autopilot so you can take back more of your time.

          So you can scale, so you can work where you want, when you want, how you want, and with whom you want!

          I help people like you:
          > Find the clarity you need
          > Have the confidence to achieve
          > Put in place the systems and tools you need to succeed

          Book a slot on my calendar while you can.
          https://calendly.com/joseph-<wbr />flahiff

          _____watch the testimonial videos at the bottom of this section to hear what clients say_____

          MY STORY AND WHY ME:
          * 12 years running my own solo consulting business
          * 25+ years experience leading, training, coaching leaders at all levels
          * My clients have seen up to 1200% improvement in speed to market (ask for the case study)
          * Author of 2 books: The NEW Agile Manager and Being AGILE in a Waterfall World

          https://www.facebook.com/<wbr />RealJosephFlahiff
          https://www.facebook.com/<wbr />groups/leadership21/

        • #34430

          n d

            Hi @joseph, I provided feedback on your other post 🙂

            Please look at that notification from me and only post once so we aren’t getting confused with different posts.

            Great work!

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