Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Wins of the Week INTENTIONS FOR SEPTEMBER!!! WE SEE THESE DONE!

4 replies, 4 voices Last updated by n d 6 years, 2 months ago
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    • #21707

      Halle Eavelyn

        2 new clients, 4 classes complete, webinar module DONE, living every single minute of every single day this month I am living IN THE FLOW, 2 webinars online, and ramp up my LinkedIn networking team so I can build my network of brokers and agents nationwide, one new client with a signed contracts & 2 in the pipeline, I am gratefully and happily receiving the money from the outstanding invoices, launch my Hero Story and complete at least half of the HECP Program, at least 6 new listings and a closed sale (leading by example!!), a concrete plan for completing this program including dates and goals , two highest level book contracts, Barker 20 daily – 400 total new Q1s AND connections, start using Facebook, Complete LI Profile and get 30-sec infomercial completee, complete Employee Guidance book and get buy-in from contractors, I’m so grateful that I’m getting 2 new clients this month. So grateful for the speedy recovery I am receiving from my face surgery on the 11th, 6 decision maker meetings OR BETTER AND (now that my Hero Story is done) complete infomercial, Closing the 3 new clients, my intention last month and did achieve, and I will complete my webinar that I have been stuck on, Getting my database updated and reorganized, converting my great prospects to clients, and responding to ALL my LI requests, 4 presentations in brokers office and at least 2 signed deals, 2 houses under contract, continue to create great opportunities for our team, have at least 5 appointments a week and 5 new clients a month, I am grateful for at least one new client this month,  I completed all my classes and assignments and completely understood all critical components. I generated 2 new clients. Today is day 1 of an amazing journey to freedom and financial stability, I am grateful for having completed all my HECP requirements and to have my LI Profile completed and be moving to the next step, complete 2 product lines, pricing matrix completed by mid-month, fully up and running and “putting out fires,” at least 30 min a day om HRVP, I am protecting 2 small business clients & 3 families, and expanding my team by 2, I am changing brokers, complete Module 1 & start Module 2, 25 or more new memberships this month, prep for getting the Summit the most AMAZING EVENT POSSIBLE, embed the concept of Massive Imperfect Action, and have clients SCALE UP from leaving the Summit!!! New websites LIVE, Active, and CHANGING LIVES!!!!

        @kent-littlejohn  @matt-barcus  @tony-liddic @anthony-simonie  @negeen-dargahi @amanda-hendrickson  @alison-liddic @wilson-smith @kevin-hoover @anthony-hendrickson @cole-gordon @staci-ulrich  @jennifer-martin  @diane-hansen

      • #22095

        Carol Linden

          ACCOUNTABILITY: Sorry can’t see a FORUM for the ACCOUNTABILITY call.

          GOAL:  (1) 16 hours. NOT MET. Did 8 HRS. Sick for 2 days.

          (2) DID CONNECT with the WEB PERSON who will get my new website up.

          NEXT WEEK: Committing to

          (1) 16 hours of work on the course materials.

          (2) Getting everything to the new web person and getting my new website ONLINE by SEP 14, if the tech guy’s schedule can handle that. At least I’m committing to my not being the hold-up.

          IF THIS IS NOT THE RIGHT PLACE TO DO THIS, please tell me where to next time. Sorry, monthly meeting, couldn’t make the call.

          Onward! Carol L.

        • #22225

          Halle Eavelyn

            Hi Carol!

            We need an accountability forum! You’re right!

            @tony-liddic can you do this for us?

            @diane please add Carol’s accountability to the spreadsheet. Thank you!-

          • #28087

            Elle Ebizadeh


              I cant find Barker 20 template – please let me know where I can find it – support forum then search for barker 20 nothing comes up -thank you


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