3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by n d 4 years ago
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  • Author
    • #44550

      Matthew Hills

        I can not find the place to updoad my infomercial to Linkedit …  I have the free account…  is that the issue?

      • #44556

        n d

          Hi @matthew-hills, LinkedIn changes their platform every so often so it did in fact move to a different location.

          Here’s how to upload media to your LinkedIn:

          From the homepage, click Share an article, photo, video, or idea.
          Click the video icon.
          Upload the video you want to share.


        • #44557

          Matthew Hills


            So that shares it in the feed,  but is it saved on the profile?  Thanks

          • #44574

            n d

              Hey @matthew-hills, that’s a really good question! I would ask Matt on the Thursday call. I’m not entirely sure on that 🙂


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