Dashboard Forums High End Client Program LinkedIn – Profile Reviews & Questions how to upload infomercial to LI profile

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by n d 5 years, 9 months ago
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    • #29536

      Carol Linden


        Do you have any tips for getting my infomercial loaded onto my LI profile?
        I’ve tried twice to upload it from my PC and I just get  a spinning blue circle.

        I looked for a UPLOAD from YOUTUBE but do not see that way offered.

        Please advise, thanks so much,

        Carol Linden

        P.S. It needs a thumbnail. None of the ones offered really show my face in a good expression. 😎 LOL

        I attached this one to it in YOUTUBE. See attached. I’m not sure how to do that here in LI. Doesn’t seem to let me attach a thumbnail.  Can you help me with this? Or, do you think we should just use a better picture of my face as a thumbnail. Please advise. The infomercial is ABOUT the school. That’s what I’m using this marketing program to learn to market.

      • #29570

        n d

          Hi @carol-linden, happy to help! There is a very detailed video I made, in the infomercial module, that I recommend you watch.

          I also recommend coming to one of the live calls so I can see what the problem is if it’s not fixed by Thursday. In the meantime…

          If you have the youtube video URL (which you get by watching the video on youtube and copying the URL at the top of the screen – I mentioned this in my recent response to your other post) and putting that as a link in your LinkedIn media upload section under ‘link’.

          Please let me know if this is confusing – if so, just hang tight until Thursday and I’ll do a breakout room with you to help you.



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