Dashboard Forums High End Client Program LinkedIn – General Questions HOW MANY LINKED IN CONNECTIONS DO I HAVE?

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    • #32982

      Halle Eavelyn

        This is mostly a LinkedIn question but I see no way to ask. Where do you go to find the number of total contacts you have.  I have seen in the past where it says you have 4000 some and do you want to add or skip.  Where do I go to find that?  @gae-callaway

        Hi, Gae!  I’ve moved your post to General LinkedIn questions, which is where it belongs – sorry, we missed this in the FAQ forum, which is NOT a good place to post!

        I think this was addressed for you on a Live Q&A call already, and I’m also posting it here:

        1. Go to your own profile on LinkedIn.
        2. Click your own connections usually it says (500+) if you have more than 500 connections, and it’s a little head icon in the first section of your profile – right under the pencil (edit) icon on the far right.
        3. It will say, showing XXX results – that’s the number of your connections!
        4. Track these in the Barker 20 and watch them grow!!
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