Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Hero Story Questions HERO STORY – SHORT DRAFT – PLEASE REVIEW

17 replies, 5 voices Last updated by n d 6 years, 3 months ago
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  • Author
    • #14221

      Dale Swanson

        @halle-eavelyn @negeen-dargahi @diane-hansen @anthony-simonie

        After sending out the last previous (two-part) draft of my Hero Story to 5 people (as promised) – two very dear and longtime old friends; 2 peer Agents in my office; and one former Client – I got back two lengthy responses (and the promise of a third). One, from the former Client, was very sweet (as if she’d finished watching a Lifetime Original movie); the other, from a fellow Agent in my office, was very subjective and professional. Her bottom-line advice was to cut it – by at least half – and to minimize the attention given to setbacks (particularly financial).

        So I did that. This version (attached, in Word) has a word count of 2,347 and runs to just under 9-1/2 pages (including headline graphic, at the top. Please review and advise. Thank you!



      • #14230

        n d

          @dale-swanson, great job implementing the feedback your peers and previous clients have provided!! I’m re- tagging in @halle-eavelyn as a bonus tag so she knows I’ve seen your post!



        • #14233

          Dale Swanson


            Thank you very much, Negeen!


          • #14319

            Halle Eavelyn

              And I think that comment is on the commentor, and not on you – in other words, he is afraid of FAILURE in his mindset.  Now… are YOU happier with it, @dale-swanson? Did you feel like you were going ON about failure? Because I didn’t.  I thought it was all great.  That doesn’t mean it’s not great like this, too.  But it’s YOUR CHOICE.  What feels better to you???



            • #14328

              Dale Swanson


                Thank you, Halle. To answer honestly: I don’t know. All of my training and experience over the last 13 years in real estate has told me to always put a brave face on, best foot forward, hide all dirt, and re-frame to the positive (which, admittedly, has often not set well with me; I’m a plain-spoken Hoosier. I don’t have a problem with acknowledging unpleasant aspects. What I have trouble with is the pressure to not acknowledge those aspects, or to keep them under wraps). In real estate, there is a grossly-overused phrase: “it is what it is”. Well, which is it? Do I tell the whole truth, or not? To me, truth includes context (my husband is an old-school southern master of “selective” details). On the other hand, I’m not comfortable airing out all of my dirty linen in a business-oriented public forum (particularly LinkedIn). I’m not doing a Barbara Walters interview; would it really benefit potential real estate Clients to know that I was abused and molested as a child, that my ex-wife had an abortion while we were engaged, or that I twice attempted suicide in my 20’s? I keep trying to believe that it’s not where I’ve been, but where I am, that defines me (and I really hope that’s true, at least as far as my business goes). On that basis, I’m inclined toward the shortened version…

                The Agent who had given me feedback on the two-part version readily agreed to look at the shortened version (it’s very kind of her to do that), while the other Agent who had agreed, promised to read it (the long-version) over the coming weekend; I thanked her, and sent her the shortened version as well. So we’ll see. My two dear, longtime friends (both male) have not responded. I’m not really surprised.

                Thank you very much, again, for everything. 🙂

              • #14420

                Laura Barker

                  @dale-swanson WOW! I didn’t see the long version but my guess is that it would be that much more powerful! I’m struggling terribly with my own hero story at the moment.  Reading yours has been quite helpful.   Thanks for putting your wonderful story out there!


                • #14485

                  Dale Swanson


                    Thank you very much for looking at my (most recent, shortest version) Hero Story, and for your very kind words in responding to it. I’m glad to know that reading my Hero Story, has been helpful to you, in working on your own. It is a far more serious task, with far greater implications, than it would seem at first; and consequently can be far more difficult to complete. While I’m heartened to know that I’m not the only one who has struggled with it, I’m pleased to think that it might help you to tell your own. Best wishes!



                  • #14494

                    Dale Swanson

                      @halle-eavelyn @matt-barcus @anthony-simonie

                      I decided on my shortened version of the Hero Story, buffed it a little more, went to post it on LinkedIn, and . . . LinkedIn keeps telling me that it exceeds the character count (by like 13,954 characters).

                      I saw Mark Steinbach’s Hero Story posted on his LinkedIn page, and it looks great, pix and all. It doesn’t appear to be any shorter than mine. What am I doing wrong?

                      Please advise. Thanks!


                      • #14577

                        HECP Admin

                          @dale-swanson It sounds like you may have tried to post this on linkedIn as a post.

                          What you will want to do is click on “Write an article” from your home screen and then publish your article there.

                          See screen shots attached.


                      • #14746

                        Dale Swanson


                          Thank you, Anthony. I believe that I tried to do this using the “Write an Article” feature on LinkedIn, as you suggest, but I will look and try it again.


                        • #14750

                          Dale Swanson


                            OK, I found the “Write an Article” button (on my Home page, not my Profile page). It IS the same function that I was trying to use, previously; and it still gives the option to insert rich media (text, video) at points within the body copy, but still – nothing happens when I try to insert a photo. I click on the box with the plus sign, the menu bar comes up, I click on photo – and the menu bar disappears. I sent a message about all this to help/support for LinkedIn, but haven’t gotten any response.



                          • #14752

                            Dale Swanson


                              OK, I finally got the banner, and the text, posted – but it still won’t let me insert any media (pix, videos, etc). I’ve seen that others have done it, and I’m being given the option, but the tool isn’t working. Any ideas as to why that might be? Thanks, Anthony.



                            • #14921

                              Dale Swanson

                                @negeen-dargahi @anthony-simonie

                                Hi Negeen,

                                Thank you for the response, and for the link. I’ve gone to this link, before, and tried to follow the directions there; it does NOT work. I’ve been able to turn my final sentence into a hotlink, but these directions are not allowing me to insert a photo into the body copy of my Hero Story. As I said before, I place the box with the plus sign where I want it; I click on the box with the plus sign; the menu bar pops up; I click on the ‘photo’ icon on the menu bar; and the menu bar disappears. And that’s ALL that happens. I’ve tried dragging and dropping a photo, as well; that doesn’t seem to work either. Neither does copying and pasting. And there is no ‘Upload from Computer’ icon, or menu selection, anywhere on this page (as LinkedIn’s directions, under “Adding Images and Other Rich Media to Your Article”, “Adding Images to Your Article”, #3 “You can drag and drop an image…” suggests). I’m at my wit’s end. All I wanted to do was to add a few pictures.



                                • #14924

                                  n d

                                    @anthony-simonie / @matt-barcus can you help @dale-swanson with this?

                                    Dale, Anthony just added a video in the “hero story” module walking you through how to add images. Consider taking a look to see if there’s anything you missed. In the meantime, lets see if Anthony or Matt have any advice.

                                    Have you tried this on a different web browser?

                                • #14929

                                  Dale Swanson

                                    @negeen-dargahi  @anthony-simonie  @matt-barcus


                                    Yes, I have watched Anthony’s new video in the “Hero Story” module, specific to adding rich media to the Hero Story article. (I just finished watching it again, for the fourth time). And as I said, I was able to turn my last sentence into a hot link, using these directions. But I have not been able to add still photos.

                                    I have been using Firefox. I’ll try it in Chrome and see what happens. Thank you.


                                  • #14932

                                    Dale Swanson

                                      @negeen-dargahi @anthony-simonie  @matt-barcus

                                      Eureka! Switched to Chrome, logged into LinkedIn, and it works! Negeen, I could kiss you. I’m not sure what the problem was with Firefox, but everything appears to functioning as it is supposed to, on Chrome. Thank you so much!


                                      • #14980

                                        n d

                                          Yay!! @dale-swanson, I’m so happy that worked for you!

                                          This happened to me with Safari, Chrome always comes in handy 🙂

                                          Have a great weekend!!


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