Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Hero Story Questions Hero Story Kathryn Rimstidt Review


4 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Kathryn Rimstidt 5 years, 10 months ago
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    • #27064

      Kathryn Rimstidt


        cc. @kent-littlejohn @anthony-simonie, @negeen-dargahi, @amanda-hendrickson


        So, for any of my fellows in the course who read this, please don’t download without asking if you don’t mind.  It’s not “finished” and I might not want some of it “out in the world” as it is.  Thanks!  However, if you’d like to download and give advice, just ask and then delete after.  Thanks! :).


        For all those who can help, especially those organizing the course, Halle, etc…..I’ve been working on my hero story.  I would really love help with what I might cut, what I might solidify, etc.  I could really use editing help!  I also wonder about things like how many pictures would be recommended and what kind of “front” picture and help with the title.  And especially having themes clear/what attracts folks who are potential clients.  Also, how would you divide it into different (1, 2 and 3 like Kent and others have done), if that is advised.

        Advice appreciated!


        And celebrating that I got the rough draft done and shared with a few key people to “approve.”  I also would love to move on to the next step….it’s been a challenge to feel a bit “stuck” here and still have only a rough draft.  So, excited to take enough imperfect action to get this posted asap.


        Thanks so much & with love and appreciation,

      • #27124

        n d

          Nice job taking action, @kathryn-rimstidt!

          I have tagged @halle-eavelyn to review.

          This may take up to a week for her to provide feedback. In the meantime, please proceed through the program.

          Thank you!



        • #28047

          Kathryn Rimstidt

            @halle-eavelyn, wanted to check back in as I hadn’t heard from you yet, Halle, about my hero story feedback since it has been more than the week Negeen suggested it was likely to take.  Wanted to be sure I hadn’t lost the reply or that you hadn’t lost the message, etc.

            The specific questions I asked as well as wanting general feedback, and the hero story draft are all in this thread, I was able to look back and see them.  Let me know if you have trouble downloading it or seeing the questions I asked or anything.


            Thank you so much!
            With deep love,

          • #28424

            Halle Eavelyn

              GREAT FIRST DRAFT, @kathryn-rimstidt!!!

              First, the great news: Your personality, sweetness and kindness RADIATE throughout this Hero Story.  While I usually have to ask people to PLEASE put their feelings in there, I can see yours all the way!!  CONGRATS because that’s hard to create if you don’t know how.

              Editing-wise, I have to say I found the story difficult to follow because of the meandering approach.  So here is some guidance, because I cannot tell you WHAT to cut or leave behind – it’s YOUR story!!

              You want some ANCHORS.  By that, I mean, you want things your readers can hang their hats on.  So for example, you talk about an idyllic childhood spent traveling the world, with lots of LOVE.  Say it, tell me ONE story about it, and then move on. Pick the BIG POINTS in your life and share a moment to paint a picture for your reader. So right now, look for example at these 3 paragraphs:
              <p style=”text-align: right;”>And, though this is a beautiful loving sentiment, I somehow took this in to constantly search for that “best,” especially in middle school and high school, and when my “best” was an “A” or keeping a situation joyful, that was the best I had to reach in the future.  But, I balanced it with not doing some things and keeping or realizing some things, like my music, could be “less best” than others.</p>
              <p style=”text-align: right;”>So, I definitely plan on carrying aspects of all of this on to my son, but with a bit of a twist, to really lean deep into acceptance, love, flexibility, and finding a different path, third way (or even fourth way!).</p>
              <p style=”text-align: right;”>So, we weren’t always happy or joyful as a family, and I think that’s ok and natural.  We each had moments (and I know I still do), of upset and grief, with ourselves and with each other.</p>
              You’ve got too many ideas in the first one. The last sentence of the paragraph could be a whole incident unto itself (Music? What music? It’s the first time we are hearing about it) You’re talking about your major THEME creeping in (how this this well-adjusted and well-LOVED kid become subject to severe panic attacks? And then cure herself? And then help others with their own?)

              Your second paragraph is about your son. He may be the center of your world, but we didn’t know you had one until this moment, AND I feel like if you want to talk about him, it needs to come much later.

              The last paragraph might be okay, but sooner, tied to your family story from page 1.  And honestly, what family doesn’t? So you might not need it at all, either.

              Also, remember your THEMES, especially your major one (above).  Ask yourself, does this relate to my personal journey TO and THROUGH panic attacks?? If NOT, it probably needs to go!

              We can worry about pictures, etc. once you have completed your story, but in general, several are GREAT!! I don’t know that you need multiple parts? It depends on how long it is.

              For reference, consider the material PINNED to the top of this Hero Story Forum.  Including the Case Study for Glo Reber and the Hero Story Overview Map. And feel free to read some others, too – I find when I immerse myself in several completed ones of something I am trying to model that it gives me insight into my own path.

              YAY, Kathryn!!!!

              PS.  Thank you for your PATIENCE and please expect timely responses, especially if you tag me!!


            • #29210

              Kathryn Rimstidt

                Thanks so much, @halle-eavelyn.  I am editing down my hero journey story.  I will share a new version some time this week for feedback.  I’m celebrating our whole family being healthy after stomach bug, etc. in recent times, and that I’ve kept up with some “basics” for business during this time, and wanted to send a quick thank you for your feedback and let you know I’ll be in touch soon with my new version!  With deep love-Kathryn

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