3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by n d 3 years, 10 months ago
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  • Author
    • #44999

      Mark Clark

        HI Negeen

        what are your thougths.

        my current 4 questions are

        1. Hi “name” its great to be able to connect. What is your core business?
        2. Excellent, Do you live in the Tucson Arizona Metro area?
        3. Fantastic, Would you be interested in some Innovative Ideas about real estate that could really benefit you?
        4. Great, When would you have a few times tomorrow that we could chat?

        What if I changed questions 2 and 3 to one question?

        Excellent, Relevant Real Estate Matters! Have Questions???? I have Answers!!!!

        I am not getting great responses to the questions 2 and 3 currently.




      • #45003

        n d

          Hi @mark-clark, in my opinion I like your questions but you do need to send out at least 20 messages, connection requests and responses a day for at least 2 weeks to see if those need to be revised.

          Although… I would love for you to ask Q1, Q2 and then as your Q3 you could ask:

          Q3: Love it! I have a couple awesome strategies that are perfect for you! What are a couple time windows you have available to chat?

          ^ that may not make as much sense since you’re asking them where they live, but I’m sure we could revise it to better fit your services.

          Additionally, if you want to bring this to tomorrows live call, we can see if we can revise your questions with Kent’s help 😉

        • #45004

          Mark Clark

            Hi Negeen

            I have been sending out 100 Plus message connections daily, i have over 1500 in the past couple of weeks and I am only getting like 4-5 people to respond. they accept my connection but with no response also I have a lot of people looking at my profile with 211 people that have looked at my profile.  so that is why I thought about changing my 4 questions.

          • #45012

            n d

              Hi @mark-clark, thank you for providing that information!! Yes, let’s definitely take a look at that today on the live call. We will make sure you are taken care of.

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