1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by n d 5 years, 8 months ago
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    • #30313

      Rich Steffen


        1. On the recording in Step 2 – Setting the Agenda – he says to refer back to what hooked them in the 1st place and gave reason for the call. Based on the 4 Trojan Horse questions for realtors I don’t see how I would have that. What am I missing?
        2. Same recording Step 5 – Close On Next Step – my tendency would be to set a time to meet, possibly for coffee to put a face to a name but he says to have another phone call. Is that a critical part of the HEC strategy?
        3. Step 5 – Question 2 – Is there not a time where we express an interest in how we can help them in their business? I’ve always had success in coming from contribution and if we are not a fit right now and leave the call then it was all about what I had to gain
      • #30354

        n d

          Hi @rich-steffen, below are the answers to your questions:

          1. Let’s say based on your 4 questions, your last two questions asked were:Q3: Fantastic. How many years have you lived here?

            Q4: That’s great! Let’s chat for a few minutes. I have a fairly big network that may benefit you.

            … if you set up an appt with them after those questions, that is what he is talking about. That is the hook.

          2. Are you saying to meet after the first call has been made? If so, that is fine. Although, I would double check on this on the live call with Kent. Often times, some clients set up the call to see if they’re a good fit, and once they are, they set up another call to move forward. Now, you can do this OR meet up with them. Either way, having the initial call with them is necessary.
          3. The phone call is where you qualify them to see if they’re a good fit to work with you or not. On the call, you also will discover ways to help them. Halle has many videos talking about this in the Transformational Business Strategy module that I recommend you watch, such as the “4 Questions” module.


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