Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Wins of the Week BEST WINS OF THE WEEK EVER!!! 7/17/18

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    • #17040

      Halle Eavelyn

        @kurt-axt has tripled his connections AND he got a lead for an out of town buyer – his SECOND new client since joining the program 2 weeks ago!! AWESOME!!

        @carol-linden had a BIG mindset shift and within a FEW HOURS got 3 partners offering to help her fill her program! YES!!

        @laura-barker is thrilled to see LinkedIn has been doing the heavy lifting – it has been a pleasure to see! She got someone contacting her on LI who was trying to get HER HELP – EXACTLY as her profile is supposed to do!! AND she got publicity on a regional TV network through a publicist who connected with her on LinkedIn – and it led to more business!! YAY!!

        @chuck-miller closed on a house this week – for $100K profit – that he had time to build with his FREE TIME, because he has used the tools of the program and his coaching to reduce his time from 75 hours a week to 30-35 hours a week!!  He has also built his TEAM so he can STOP working by himself – he and his top 4 producers have a current total of 47 listings!!!! AMAZING!!!

        @ronald-wardell CLOSED the $30M deal that he claimed for himself on the first call of July, when we set our intentions for the month – that’s over $300K in commissions – GO, RON!!!!!

        WE ARE SUPER PROUD OF ALL OF YOU – and THIS is my favorite WINS OF THE WEEK EVER!!!!!!

        @kent-littlejohn  @matt-barcus  @tony-liddic @anthony-simonie  @negeen-dargahi @amanda-hendrickson  @alison-liddic @wilson-smith @kevin-hoover @anthony-hendrickson @cole-gordon @staci-ulrich  @jennifer-martin  @diane-hansen

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