2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Kelly Armstrong 5 years, 10 months ago
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  • Author
    • #27150

      Kelly Armstrong

        For review…

        Are you tired of paying all those high interest rates due to having low credit scores? We can help you get on the right track so you can get approved for better rates. Does this sound to good to be true?

        It might sound like that, but after working with different types of clients, I personally will tell you it’s possible to get better payments on a mortgage, car loan and even credit cards, when it comes to our services at Be Whole Financial.

        We give our clients 1:1 FREE consultation, analysis reporting, create and send letters, provide guidance and education, along with weekly follow up to keep you on track.

        Our mission is to serve and help clients dig out of the credit hole to Be Whole!

        If you want to increase your credit score, please call me today at 614.379.2636 for a FREE consultation.

        Be Whole

      • #27181

        n d

          Hi @kelly-armstrong-2! Nice job taking action on your infomercial!

          This looks great – you really know your perfect client!

          Don’t forget to introduce yourself in the middle of your infomercial so people know who you are.

          Time to film 🙂


        • #27280

          Kelly Armstrong

            Ok…thank you!

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