Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Mindset “Bad Ass …” Homework from Chapter 6.

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    • #43790

      Dean Hanson

        Hi  @halle-eavelyn,

        Here is my homework.  I’ll post it again in the meeting today!

        TO GET RICH Suggested Money Mantra (say it, write it, feel it, own it): I love money because I love myself.

        Please give at least ten answers to each of the following:

        Make a list of all the reasons why you deserve money. I deserve money because?
        1. God wants us to live abundantly.
        2. I ask for it.
        3. I use money for good and not evil.
        4. I use money to pay my bills
        5. I am calm & creative when I have money.
        6. I love blessing others
        7. With money I’m not focused on survival
        8. I desire nice, quality things that last.
        9. An abundant mindset is a healthy mindset.
        10. I provide products and services worth the price.

        Make a list of some beautiful things that have happened in this world thanks to money.
        Thanks to money?
        1. People can and do live lives full of purpose.
        2. The highest and most beautiful things in life are not to be heard about, nor read about, nor seen but, if one will, are to be lived — Soren Kierkegaard
        3. Relief of pain and suffering.
        4. Families are raised.
        5. Art
        6. Advanced Science
        7. Peace Initiatives
        8. Giving Campaigns
        9. Bringing Joy and relief for those lacking resources.
        10. Travel and seeing the world.

        Make a list of all the awesome things and experiences money will add to your life.
        1. Freedom from the heavy-weight of debt.
        2. I will no longer be a slave.
        3. Plenty
        4. Options!!!
        5. I can do the right thing, make the right decisions based on something other than my bank balance.
        6. Travel
        7. Extravagant Christmas Giving.
        8. Pursue hobbies
        9. Be my true self. I am a much different person when I experience times of abundance.
        10. Space flight

        Make a list of how you being rich will benefit others.
        1. Families will have help in times of need.
        2. Develop and manage a benevolent fund for families in need.
        3. Contribute time, energy, and much-needed resources to worthy causes.
        4. Larger than life tips to people who provide us services.
        5. Stress relief in times of need.
        6. Homeless Vets are given what they need to get and stay on their feet.
        7. The satisfaction of base needs then teach them how to fish and be proud of providing for their own needs and the needs of their family. (I’ve seen first hand what happens to a person when they can’t provide for their family). It is haunting to read in the Bible that 1 Timothy 5:8, NIV: “Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”. (Here the context speaks to men and the need to provide provision just as it implies, but more specifically it is the responsibility of the Church family to take care of widows and children)
        8. Allows the giver and the receiver of a provision or gift the pleasure of the exchange. (The Spirit rises within)
        9. Faith and the Law of Reaping and Sowing at work.
        10. A legacy left, blesses potentially many generations.

        Please fill in the blank: I’m grateful to money because “It relieves stress; a major destroyer of abundant life”


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