4 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Halle Eavelyn 6 years, 1 month ago
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  • Author
    • #19915

      Frances Schlosstein

        Hi Halle, Kent<  and Nageen?
        Thank you so much for sticking with me and engaging with me in this process.  I am looking forward to generating a whole new world of M&A due diligence clients through HECP and in my mind, though i haven’t yet…. They ready and wanting our unique offering.

        on a call right before I left for vacation Kent suggested that I write a paragraph alternative to the four questions to better engage my target.  I am having no problem with getting targeting linked in contacts… I have added close to 500 in last few months even with 3 months out when my husband was sick and  another couple of weeks for vacation.

        In drafting the paragraphs I did the following:
        generated two sets of paragraphs, one for Environmental attorneys, the other for M&A professionals

        I tried to engage using the 4 question concept while giving them more information and a catalyst to engage.

        Not sure how to tag Halle and KEnt in this.


        Thank you.  I eagerly await your inputs.



      • #19918

        Frances Schlosstein

          @halle-eavelyn @kent-littlejohn

          Resubmitting with halle and kent tagged.  Forgot… but was saved by the support video….after the fact.

        • #19951

          n d

            Thank you for sending that over, @frances-schlosstein!

            @kent-littlejohn, would you mind providing some feedback on this?



          • #20235

            Halle Eavelyn

              Hey, @frances-schlosstein!  Great job!!

              Pasting below for clarity and responses noted *** inline below:

              1- Paragraph Intro-Emails ALTERNATIVE to 4-Question Assignment for Environmental Attorneys and M&A professionals respectively

              *** NOTE: This is a VERY unusual and experimental approach.  Frances, though we agree your niche is SO specific you want to try an alternate approach to get better responses, we want you to CAREFULLY monitor the number of replies you get.  I also suggest you send this Q1 to ALL those who did NOT respond to the previous Q1 – leave off the first sentence if you sent that in the prior message.  See what kind of results you get and bring these results back here to the forum and post so we can see them.  TAG US AGAIN when you do so!!

              ORIGINAL: A- John…….. Environmental Attorney
              Thanks for Linking In. What’s your core focus?
              Ours is M&A due diligence and financial modeling of complex Sediment, Superfund, Groundwater and NRD matters. Our “experts” are around the country and often cross-refer to local attorneys. Let me know if you have 10 minutes for a quick introduction?

              *** Why is expert in quotes – you ARE experts.  CLAIM IT.

              *** When you cross-refer to local attorneys WHAT DO THEY GET??? What are the RESULTS they receive?? Mention that here – Tell them what’s in it for them. Also, while I GET the obvious transition to what your core focus is, tell them FIRST what’s in it for them!!! And, remember your POSITIONING- don’t thank them – they should be thanking YOU. Also note the revision of the positioning – fewer words throughout, and also for the CTA – ALPHA ALL THE WAY, BABY!!!!


              Hey, John –

              What’s your core focus? Our experts around the country often make lucrative cross-referrals to local attorneys for our big cases, which focus on M&A due diligence and financial modeling of complex Sediment, Superfund, Groundwater and NRD matters.  Let’s set up a 10 minute introduction to see if we are a good fit to work together.


              *** Rework ALL the below based on the above comments, because you need the practice – I want you to EMBODY this energetic shift, not just write a paragraph and forget about it.

              GREAT START and now let’s MAKE THIS A HOME RUN!!

              cc. @kent-littlejohn, @negeen-dargahi

              B- John,

              What part of the country is your practice focused?

              We work nationally and often refer to local attorneys. Wondering if the recent changes to ASTM standards (link to our Gamechanger article) are impacting buy/sell side M&A environmental due diligence in your area? Do you have 10 minutes for an introductory call?

              2- Joan…… M&A or private equity professional

              A- Thanks for Linking In. What’s your core focus?
              Ours is environmental M&A due diligence. Our work adheres to GAAP protocols and results in bottom – line savings and negotiating power for deal makers. Do you have 10 minutes for an introductory call?
              B- What industries are your deals in?
              We work across industry and have originated deals for clients. Our environmental due diligence uses GAAP protocols to mitigate risks and generate cost-saving environmental strategies. Do you have time for an introductory call?

            • #20828

              Halle Eavelyn

                @keith-krone please read the above!!

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