Dashboard Forums High End Client Program Accountability Accountability Check In

13 replies, 3 voices Last updated by n d 3 years, 7 months ago
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  • Author
    • #46771

      Kimberly Kelly

        Hi Hallie,

        I am at a road block.  My goal is to get listings from the program.  Who are the best people to contact with?  I am at a lost.

      • #46776

        n d

          Hi there @kimberly-kelly!

          What part of the program are you at right now?


        • #46777

          Kimberly Kelly

            Linkedin Advance

          • #46780

            n d

              Hey there, @kimberly-kelly!

              Have you gotten your profile on LinkedIn submitted for review and have you implemented the feedback (Module 1)?

              Have you gotten a review on your Trojan Horse questions (Module 1)?

              ^ those are really important and will help you be successful. You’re in a good spot. Please come to the technical weekly calls and or the Thursday live calls with the team 🙂

            • #46792

              Kimberly Kelly

                I will have to look through and see if there are responses from the questions.

              • #46798

                n d

                  Hi @kimberly-kelly, yes please always been active and checking on that daily. That is a very crucial piece to getting clients and daily interactions with potential leads.

                • #46881

                  Kimberly Kelly

                    I have reached out to  connections . So many that they stated they would freeze account for two weeks, if I didn’t stop reaching out! lol.

                    I have only gotten to the 2nd questions with about 5 out of all of whom I have reached out with.

                    Thursday ones are hard because it is in the middle of the day, Central time.  The Mondays I do my best to get on. I did miss todays though.  I try and go back to the recorded ones.

                    I have already sent the 4 questions and the profile to you guys.

                    • #46902

                      n d

                        Hi @kimberly-kelly, I believe theres a 100 connection limit a week, but no worries as this happens.

                        How many Q1’s are you sending per day, how many connection requests per day, and where is the drop off point on the questions?

                        Ideally you are sending 20 Q1, 20 connection requests, 20 responses/day.

                        If you can, it would be so great for you to come to the live call on thursday at 12:30pm EST – ask your question in the forum so it will be the first answered so that you can hop off after:

                        THURSDAY (06.24.21) LIVE Q&A CALL QUESTIONS

                    • #46961

                      Kimberly Kelly

                        I have asked all of them the 1st question and maybe a handfull have replied back up to the fourth questions.  Have not been able to make a live call or video with any of them as of yet.

                      • #46965

                        Kimberly Kelly

                          Do you have some agents you recommend that I can see their info commercial, so I can get a feld of the sitw?

                        • #47005

                          Kimberly Kelly

                            Hi! I sent a question on July 6, and have received no response.

                            • #47013

                              n d

                                @kimberley-kelly, you are posting in the Accountability forum which is why your question was missed.

                                If you could, would you mind clicking in support forum and posting your questions in the General Questions forum or a forum topic like “infomercial”?

                                Thank you!

                            • #47017

                              Leah Baxter

                                Could I please restart this Monday, I have not been able to do any of this all week and I don’t want to get behind.

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