6 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Mark Brundage 5 years, 3 months ago
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    • #35499

      Mark Brundage

        Q1 Hi XXXX, Marvelous to connect with you.  I looked over your profile.  What’s your core business focus for 2019?  [v2 What’s your core business you will focus on for 2019?] [c level don’t ask just “what is your core business”]

        Q2 Very good, I am trying to get to know my network.  Could you find yourself wanting access to new liquidity for anything you want to purchase or invest in, or maybe you want access to money now to divest your holdings into other assets or you need to begin to reduce your high concentrated risk from your public stock you hold?

        Q3 If I could create more liquidity for you to open up other opportunities you find yourself wanting and/or begin to reduce your high concentrated risk exposure using your publicly traded stock you hold, is that something you’d be interested in uncovering how it’s done?  

        Q4 What are a couple of time windows that you have tomorrow afternoon to explore this quickly within 15 minutes? 

        Q5 What’s your mobile?

        I will send a calendar appointment via email and reach out to you [at the time booked here].

        Talk soon

        Mark Brundage

      • #35514

        n d

          Hi @mark-brundage, good work. Below is my feedback:

          Q1 is too wordy. Get right to the point. Instead of saying “Hi XXXX, Marvelous to connect with you.  I looked over your profile” just say:

          Great to connect, [NAME]! What’s your core business?

          Great to connect, [NAME]! What’s your core business you will focus on for 2019?

          Q2: Please watch “4 Questions” video Halle made in the Transformational Business Strategy module and look back through the lesson. These are too wordy and qualifying.

          Try something general to build rapport:

          Q2 EXAMPLES:

          Great. What do you like investing in?

          Perfect. What’s your main focus this year?

          Fantastic. Are you planning/wanting to grow in 2018?

          Q3 is WAY too wordy and complex. Please make it easier to read and less qualifying. Here are examples of what we are looking for in order to get them on the phone with you first, and THEN qualify them to see if they’re a good fit.

          Love it. If I could show you an easy way to add (profits) to your bottoms line fast, would you have interest?

          Fantastic. If I could help you find some investment opportunities that make good sense, would you have interest?

          Q4: What are a few time windows that you have tomorrow?

          2pm works perfectly

          Q5: What’s your mobile?

          Great. I’ll call you at 2pm.

          Talk soon,


          Hope this helps!! Keep it up!

        • #35518

          Mark Brundage

            Please review my linked in profile as your examples are not even coming close to helping or addressing my niche.  I am dealing with CEO’s of Public Companies John Little talks about qualifying in every video I have heard him speak in which at this point is probably 3 to 5.  In fact, he just walks away depending on how they answer “what he says are qualifying questions by Q2” or if they don’t.  I am getting all kinds of mixed messages from his talks about this, to you and Halle, which talk the basic questions.   Yes I understand the 4 basic questions but they have to relevant to what I do otherwise this is futile exercise that will just upset a C level exec.  I work with them every week and know how they think, they WILL NOT GIVE ME A TIME unless they know exactly what is in it for them.  They want to get down to business.   I have experience with middle market and small business BUT C level execs of public companies are very different then other business owners.

            Q1 Great to connect, [NAME]! What’s your core business you will focus on for 2019? (deleted additional language)

            Q2 examples given NONE are even remotely relevant at all, please to help me review my linkedin so at least you know what we offer, they as you have presented give me or client zero which is just fluff, off topic and wastes BOTH of our times.  Q2 as I originally have written gives prospect an option to say yes or no.  I work with CEO’s all the time and they don’t like wasting time and don’t respond to time waster fluffy sales people because they have little time and want to get to the bottom line very fast.

            Q2 & Q3 examples given don’t even come close to what I am doing or offering any value to either of us and give neither of us zero and just would be a total waste of time for both of us ie myself and a potential client.

            What I have written is 3 possible pain points Q2 and solutions Q3 if none of them trigger then it should be a pass for us both.   Nice to meet you next.  C level execs will never grant a conversation without knowing exactly how I can benefit them.  Sorry but maybe a small business owner would but not C level exec of public companies.  I have a few seconds to engage their pain and if they want it resolved, then I can get a phone call.

            Q4 question won’t work either few ever grant an appointment next day and many have to be scheduled 1 to 2 weeks in advance,. same with follow up appointments, but I was trying to follow the formula.

            Q5 At C level they expect to have an outlook calendar event sent, so that too is off what you sent back.

            Every quarter I am working with some of the richest people in the world so I also do know a little about the protocol they operate.  I handle conference calls with 2 to 8 senior C level management and sometimes with corporate legal on them too, complex is the world I live in and my clients live in, anything less and I would lose credibility and respect.


          • #35522

            Halle Eavelyn

              Hey, @mark-brundage –

              I hear you AND know that you are concerned about saying the right things to your niche.  We HAVE had clients in the past who have worked exclusively with C-Level folks.  Here’s the thing: if they don’t know you, you CANNOT get right to the point and expect them to respond accordingly.  They are still going to just ignore you, which is WHY we have the Trojan Horse questions in the first place.

              My first question is: Have you done this before? Because WE HAVE. A bajillion times.  And @negeen-dargahi is correct that all your questions are way too wordy, which will equal “I’ll look at it later” which will equal NEVER.  We don’t want that for you.

              My next question is: are you willing to be coachable and let us help you? Presuming the answer is YES, please show up LIVE on the call Thursday as 12:30pm EST and let us help you out with really detailed answers.  Kent will be on the call, too, and he can address this with you directly as well.

              Meanwhile, just move on with the training and leave all this for just the next 2 days. I can tell that you are frustrated and it will give you some time to remove yourself from the situation so that you can move forward more easily.  OK?

            • #35525

              Mark Brundage


                I can shelve this for now.  I will plan to be on call Thursday to discuss.

                Kindest Regards,


                • #35540

                  Halle Eavelyn

                    Awesome, @mark-brundage – can you please post a REVISED set of your Trojan Horse questions in the Q&A thread for the call tomorrow? As revised as you are willing to be, for now 🙂

                • #35558

                  Mark Brundage

                    @kent-littlejohn @halle-eavelyn

                    Kent & Halle,

                    As discussed I will be moving forward with an outreach with what I have created for 4 questions.

                    I am not adverse to whatever works, ego plays no part in marketing. The words I wrote are not etched into stone I can assure you I understand that.  I further know sometimes just one word can change response dramatically as you have shown your research found your Q1.  If there is a better way to communicate quickly into the mind of that CEO I am totally onboard.  I do want to communicate 3 pain points so their mind does not shut down if one is not applicable at that moment in time, it is very hard to deny all 3 in their shoes.  Think about it who doesn’t want more liquidity if they are trapped in their holdings , gain access to cash so they can divest into other assets (spread risk) and/or mitigate their concentrated risk (reduce extreme risk).  I felt my questions really are at a low level as written.  I feel I have synthesized pain/opening benefits perhaps not even known by the CEO into a quick concise Yes, Maybe, No question that IMO requires almost zero brain power to answer.   The idea is one will trigger but maybe the others might not.  It is a complex structure if not use to it, that I will admit and will take them a second to follow by its design it will slow their mind down to focus but the answer should be quick.   My thought process was to open their mind to something they may not be aware of at this point in time to the point they become curious to uncover more and reply YES.  I really struggled with bringing it down to as little as I did.  Of course there are language patterns imbedded inside the words to interweave them which does in fact lengthen the sentence structure.

                    Obviously no way is perfect including my application of your 4 questions but its an interpretation based on two things my typical person I engage and our solution we can offer them.  Everything must be tested and words precisely honed until eventual precision is achieved and that takes testing I have found as well as rewrites, sometimes many.  As it is I have rewritten the 4 questions at least a half a dozen times.  I have developed many scripts for my large sales teams and tweaked ad copy in my companies so I know the power of words and even swapping one word for another.

                    My plan of action is to engage 75 to 100 C levels each day with my assistant doing the outreach lifting as I don’t have that time.  I am investing the time to create this but it will be implemented by my assistant.  So that we really are taking so much action that the cream will rise to the top as people raise their hands.  I don’t want to waste time, theirs or mine.

                    I am not on FB as I don’t wish to waste my time on it, it is for consumers.  I am on LI only now to do business otherwise if I thought of it as a CV as I did before, I would not waste my time on it either.   Now that I see it as a networking tool it is different but there still are many who will still think as I thought it was just a waste of time and I ignored most connections and messages.   Most of my clients are not on FB they do not have the time, exception are those who interface and depend on consumer B2C.  Some are on LI, many are not as I have asked.  I know globally there is enough of a new market there from those that are on LI, hence the reason for joining your program.  Original before joining you I was considering using LI Inmail such as the recruiter subscription with a similar approach to get them to say yes or no so I could get back the Inmail credit and move onto the next prospect.

                    I have to say I am still struggling with both your input of taking it to 5th grade level and simplifying it more than I have.  I am open to see what you might create with the fact of you knowing what I do better after our talk today and would like to A/B.  That said it has to bring the cream to the top, otherwise there is no point to the process.  Not interested in bothering a C level with unnecessary unproductive keyboard strokes back and forth unless it clearly is moving the ball forward for both of us.

                    Thank you both for your time and input.

                    Kindest Regards,


                    Below is for reference the current 4 Questions which much time in writing and thought have been applied :

                    CURRENT VERSION

                    Q1 Hi XXXX, Marvelous to connect.  What’s your core business you will focus on for 2019?

                    Q2v1 Very good, I am getting to know my network.  Could you find yourself wanting some liquidity from your public stock you hold for anything you want to purchase, or more money to divest your holdings into other assets for additional security and/or you realize now you need to begin to reduce your high concentration risk exposure?  Easily reply: Yes, maybe, no

                    Q2v2 Very good, I am getting to know my network.  Could you find yourself wanting liquidity from your public stock you hold for anything you want to purchase, or maybe you want more money now to divest your holdings into other assets for additional security or you realize you need to begin to reduce your high concentration risk exposure?

                    Q3 Utilizing your publicly traded stock you hold, if I could help you create more liquidity for you to begin to finally fulfill other opportunities you find yourself wanting and/or help you begin to reduce your high concentration risk exposure, is this strategy something you are interested in easily uncovering more about now?

                    Q4 What are a couple of time windows that you have tomorrow afternoon?

                    Q5 What’s your mobile?

                    Q6 [get email send outlook appointment]

                    I will send a calendar appointment via email and reach out to you [at the time booked here].

                    Talk soon

                    Mark Brundage




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