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    • #18252

      Halle Eavelyn



        My Question is quite simple. Why is John’s adimit belief in the first contact to be “What do you do in your business “ as being the greatest way to open conversation with LinkedIn clients, It did not work at all in my situation. 99% did not reply and the two out of the over two hundred contacted said “Thank you” and the other said “ not interested “. Why did this not work as promised?


        Hi, @thomas-dale-2. I moved this post to the correct forum – you had posted in announcements and I was afraid it would get lost.  I *think* you are asking why Kent Littlejohn thinks that “what do you do in your business” is the best Question 1, yes? And I’m going to presume you are actually asking, “What’s your core business?” Because if you ARE asking, “What do you do in your business?” it’s a COMPLETELY different question.  And… the difference could make or break the possibility of responding.

        The answer otherwise is straightforward: Kent put over 10,000 hours (NO EXAGGERATION) into doing it WRONG before he worked out a system for making it right.  We ask that you be coachable and trust the process, since 200 clicks is not that much.  I also presume that you have not reached out to connect with 200 people and have asked them Q1 as you are connecting, but have asked Q1 to 200 connections (new or previous).  If that’s not the case, please clarify.

        If you are asking “What’s your core business” and you don’t care for it, you can also ask, “What’s your core focus?” To understand the Trojan Horse aspect of the questions, please make sure you watch my 4 Questions video. All my videos are in the Transformational Business Strategy module (bottom middle module on your MAIN DASHBOARD – turquoise with a bulls eye) video index is to the right of the video window, in alphabetical order.

        There *may* be other reasons people aren’t responding, but it would help to know where the 200 came from, what specifically the question is that you are asking, and when you ask it (on the connect request or once they are a connection).  Once you respond to all that, I will be able to further guide you.

        Have a great vacation, Tom!!



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